The Crane 11 November 2016

Dear HIS Families

I hope you have enjoyed the week. We want The Crane to be the one place you go for all necessary information. In order to help make this document more accessible, we are going to try and cut down on the content. We will do this firstly by using a separate Community Event page, which was started last week and can be accessed by a link if you are interested. Secondly, I will start a Principal Blog page for longer posts about our program such as the recent Learner Profile series. These are not time sensitive and you can read whenever you have time. A link will appear in The Crane. A ‘translated‘ tag will appear in red font above any post that has been translated (English followed by Japanese). A short video providing a brief summary of content in Japanese will continue to be posted. We hope that makes The Crane information more accessible. Enjoy your weekend.


Damian Rentoule (Principal)


Call for Parent/Guardian Nominations for the Board of Trustees

What is the BoT?

Hiroshima International School (HIS) is governed by two separate Boards: the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees.

  • The Board of Directors (BoD) is responsible for making and implementing strategic decisions.
  • The Board of Trustees (BoT) is responsible for providing advice and guidance to the Board of Directors. The outcome of BoT discussions guide the BoD on strategic decisions, but the BoT does not make or implement those decisions.

To reflect a wide range of perspectives, BoT members come from a cross-section of the school community, including teachers, guardians and parents, learned people and contributors to the school.  The profiles of current BoT members can be found at

The BoT meets at least twice a year (usually 3 times).  The term for BoT members is 2 years.

Election for parent/guardian seat                                                                            

According to the Act of Endowment of HIS, 4 positions on the BoT are reserved for parents and guardians.  This call for nominations is for one of these positions.  You can nominate yourself or be nominated by another parent/guardian.


The person putting their name up for nomination must be a parent or guardian of a student at HIS.  As the meetings are mostly conducted in English, it would desirable for the candidates to have a working knowledge of English.  However, this is not a requirement.

Nomination and Election Process

If you are interested in serving on the BoT, please send your name and a short introduction (no more than 100 words) in English or Japanese to the PTA email address ( by Friday 18 November.

The list of candidates and a ballot sheet will then be sent out to parents/guardians from the HIS Office.  Parents/guardians will have two weeks to vote and return the ballot.
















評議員会へお入りになりたい方は、11月18日金曜日までに、名前と、短い自己紹介文(100語以内、日本語または英語)を 宛にメールで送って下さい。



News from the PTA (4 November 2016) (日本語は以下にあります)
1. Bonfire Night
Thank you to all of the helpers, big and small, who helped to make Bonfire Night a big success! Thanks especially to Yumiko and Nigel Barker, as well as Jackie (baked goods) and Yoneda San (van and ground arrangements).
It was also great to have the 10 graders help set up, and the 7-8 graders help serve! Hopefully the students will help again next year.
2. Helpers for Obento
We now have enough volunteers for this term’s delivery of Obento. Thank you to all who have given their time so far.
In the new year, we will be asking for new volunteers. It only takes a few hours on a Friday, so we hope more parents will volunteer!
3. PTA Meeting
The next PTA meeting will be on Wednesday 28 November from 9:00 to 11:00 at the Peace Cafe. We will start planning for next year’s International Festival so please come along!
 設営担当の米田さんには感謝いたします。また、クッキングのボランティアに来てくださった方々、ありがとうございました。 そして、今年は設営はG10,G11、サービングはG7,G8にお手伝いをしてもらいましたが、とてもスムースに終わり、大変助かりました。ありがとう!

Upcoming Community Events (Link to page):

  1. Presentation by UN High Commissioner for Refugees (27 November)
  2. Presentation by Prof. Kajita, the winner of Nobel Prize for physics (29 November)
  3. Career Seminars for Students (19 November/3 December)

Japanese Summary