Presentation by UN High Commissioner for Refugees

On 27 November, Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees will speak in Hiroshima. The concepts of human migrations and displacements are very important in our HIS curriculum and this presentation would be some great background on the current situation for any secondary students who could attend. See linked flyer here.

This is copied from the flyer:
申込方法:参加費無料、事前申込必要。「件名」に「11月27日講演会申し込み」と書いた上で(1)氏名、 (2)所属・学校名、そして(3)連絡先(メールアドレス)の3点をご記入いただき、次のメールアドレスまで お申込ください。For people who don’t read Japanese, whoever plans on attending needs to apply to the email-address below, with the following details:
1) Name of applicant
2) Name of school/university etc.
3) Email address
Subject heading: 11月27日講演会申し込み (or: Application for lecture on 27 November)