The Crane 16 December 2016

1. Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Families

Congratulations to everyone involved in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It was a great performance and you can see some of the lead-up in this week’s video. Special thanks to Takako Tokunaga, Jason Underwood and Jackie Ikegami who worked tirelessly behind the scenes with the students. In the photos below, you may even be able to spot a couple of our wonderful HIS graduates who returned to the stage. Finally, we farewell Sina (G4) and the Heineck family. It has been great having you as part of our HIS community and we all hope you enjoy your next grand adventure.

Enjoy the weekend.


Damian Rentoule (Principal)

IMG_1567 IMG_1553 IMG_1565IMG_1562 IMG_1592 IMG_1526

2. The Crane Video

3. Hiroshima Association for UNICEF

Thank you to Kazumi Takata from Hiroshima Association for UNICEF and the students from our neighboring school, Koyo-Higashi High School, for volunteering at the performance to share some great information about child welfare around the globe. You are doing wonderful work for a very special organization. We look forward to working with you in the future.



4. Snowball Fight in Geihoku! 芸北で雪合戦に参加しよう!

HIS has been invited to participate in the Snowball Fight event at the Geihoku Kichan Festival in Kitahiroshima on January 22 (Sunday). We are now recruiting participants for two teams: one in the General Division (Grade 7 – Adult — Teachers and Parents welcome!) and one in the Elementary Division (Grades 1-6). Space is limited to 7-9 people per team, sign up ASAP!

If you’re ready for some fun, contact Daichi Watanabe Or visit our Snowball Fight table at this Friday’s Festive Eve to sign up!

Date and Time: Sunday, January 22, 8:30〜
Participation Fee: 1200 JPY/person for General Division, 600 JPY/person for Elementary Division

Deadline to register: Monday, December 19



一般チーム(7年生〜大人まで – 先生や保護者の皆さんもぜひ!)、小学生チーム(1年生〜6年生まで)それぞれ7名〜9名をただいま募集中!参加される人は 渡邉大地 まで連絡してください。または金曜日のFestive Eve前に「雪合戦コーナー」へお立ち寄り、ご登録ください!

日時:1月22日 (日)8:30〜
参加費:中学生以上 一人1200円、小学生一人600円


5. MYP Parent Information Meeting 

  • Friday, 13 January
  • 6:00pm-7:30pm

This past summer, HIS was granted candidacy status for the International Baccalaureate’s Middle Years Programme (MYP). During this first semester, teachers have been attending MYP workshops, working with new lesson planning formats and developing the scope and sequence of the programme in grades 6-10.

On Friday, 13 January we will have a meeting to present an overview of the MYP at HIS. The meeting will be held at Tully’s Coffee on Chuodori (広島中央通り店 〒730-0033 中区堀川町 5-4; 5-4 Horikawacho, Naka-Ku, Hiroshima 730-0033, Hiroshima Prefecture).

The meeting will address how the MYP program will affect instruction and assessment at HIS in grades 6-10. We will also review the new semester report format for grades 6-10, which is linked to the MYP. We hope to see you there. If you have questions before the meeting, please contact  Ms. Pechhold or Mr. Rentoule. Parents of secondary and primary students are welcome to attend.

For those who are unable to attend, a short video presentation will also be made available on The Crane .

6. Hungry Hideout

Hello this is the Hungry Hideout team. We have renewed our opening hours:

  • OPEN – Monday~Friday
  • Snack time 11:15 ~ 11:25
  • Lunch time 1:20 ~ 1:45

Please feel free to come! – G11



7. Japanese Culture Day

Japanese department will deliver PYP Japan Culture Day on Wednesday 11th of January between 2:00 to 3:15.

We will set up following 6 stations.
  • Tea ceremony
  • Mochi-tsuki (Mochi pounding)
  • Japanese traditional games (Kendama, otedama, hanetsuki, kamishibai, etc)
  • karuta
  • Awa-odori
  • Taiko
We will also provide a cup of Zenzai, sweet red bean soup and rice cake, to taste at lunch. Please let us know and inform your child to not eat them if he/she has food allergy. Thank you parents who volunteer to help us out for this event. Parents who want to come to observe our event are also welcome. Have a Happy New Year!
Japanese Department
  • 茶道
  • もちつき
  • 日本の伝統的な遊び
  • かるた
  • あわおどり
  • 太鼓


8. Japanese Translation Video


9. News from the PTA (16 December 2016) (日本語は以下にあります)

As this will be the last news for 2016, we would like to report on our major activities this term, as well as on the events coming in 2017.

With the arrival of the new principal, we had a fresh start to the year.  After our first PTA meeting, we put forward several requests to Mr. Rentoule, including

  1. The establishment of a student council (so that more activities could be student – rather than PTA – led;
  2. Lockers for secondary students;
  3. The introduction of the delivery lunch (obento) service;
  4. Consultation workshop with parents and guardians.

We are grateful for Damian for leading on the Student Representative Council (SRC) in secondary school, as well as supporting the lunch delivery.  Thank you also to the lunch distribution volunteers who are making it possible to provide lunches to the PYP students. More news will be shared on the Parent Workshop in the January 13 Crane newsletter.

Thanks also to the various parents, teachers and students who helped make the Halloween events and Bonfire Night successful!

Upcoming Events

Events with firm dates are:

  • January 22 (Sunday) – Geihoku Snowball Fight (led by Daichi Watanabe, G10)
  • January 25 (Wednesday) – PTA Meeting (at HIS, from 9 – 11 am)
  • April 15 (Saturday) – HIS International Festival


In addition, discussions are underway about a Skating Night, Ski Trip, HIS Idol, and other events for next term.  We will be looking for volunteers for these events in the new year.

Survey on PTA Meetings and Agenda for next meeting

PTA Meetings are currently held on the morning of the last Wednesday of the month.  The location of the meetings alternate between school and the Peace Café.  However it seems that many parents and guardians are unable to attend at this time.

We will therefore conduct a survey for parents in the January 13 Crane Newsletter.  Please take a few minutes to tell us what times and days are most convenient for you!

The next PTA Meeting will be held on Wednesday January 25 in the Pink Room, HIS, from 9 to 11.  The agenda of the meeting is:

  1. Results of PTA meeting survey
  2. Plan for parent/guardian workshop
  3. Plan for International Festival and other events

We look forward to your participation.  If you have any ideas or suggestions regarding the above agenda, please don’t hesitate to send an email to

All the best for Christmas and a Happy New Year!


今年度は新しい校長を迎え新たな心境でスタートしました。第一回のミーティングでお話ししましたが、私たちはいくつかの リクエストを校長にしていました。

  1. セカンダリーのクラスカウンシルの設置
  2. セカンダリ―のロッカー
  3. デリバリー弁当の導入
  4. 保護者相談会の開設





  • 1月22日(日) 北広島町芸北文化ランド主催の雪合戦(G10ダイチがオーガナイザー)
  • 1月25日(水) 定期ミーティング(学校にて 9時~ )
  • 4月15日(土)HISインターナショナルフェスティバル





次回のミーティングは予定通り最終水曜日にあたる1月25日(水)学校のピンクルームにて 9時から行います。 

議題は  ① ミーティングのアンケート結果のお伝えと今後について

       ② 保護者相談会について

       ③ 4月までの各イベント・インターナショナルスクールフェスティバルについて 

当日ご参加できない方は事前に意見や疑問、提案などをメールにてお知らせください。メールアドレスは です。どうぞお気軽にメールをくださいませ。
