1. Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Families
It has been another busy week at HIS as you can see in the notes below. Congratulations to our secondary students who attended the Model United Nations (MUN) event. MUN is a challenging event and our students did a wonderful job with lots of support from Ms Levasseur. I hope you all enjoy your Spring Break.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule (Principal)
2. Crane Video
3. Model United Nations (MUN)

4. Fun Using Japanese (FUJ) Club
Fun Using Japanese (FUJ) Club members had a great time yesterday at Johoku Gakuen. Fourteen G10 students at Johoku Gakuen who are going to England in March and a couple of calligraphy club members helped and taught how to use a brush and how to write words. They changed papers and dried them for our students and our students were just sitting and enjoyed writing words. They were really spoiled. They had their best work set in a beautiful little hanging scroll which was a nice gift from Johoku Gakuen. Our students had such a wonderful time. It was good to see Johoku Gakuen students were trying to explain in English and HIS students were trying to respond in both English and Japanese. Hope that our students were inspired by communicating with Japanese students and got motivated more to learn and use Japanese language to enjoy the life in Japan. Thank you Nigel for driving us to Johoku Gakuen in the van.
5. IB Diploma Program Music Recital
- G11 IB Diploma Program Music Recital
- March 10th 16:30-17:00 in the Music Room
Takako Tokunaga
6. PTA News for the Crane (日本語は以下にあります)
1. HIS Festival
- We need more volunteers!! If you have lost the sign-up sheet, please email us at pta@hiroshima-is.ac.jp Even if you are busy, the volunteer work can be done in a short time (only one or two hours is all you need). Thank you very much for people who have already signed up. Please make sure that the people who volunteer have a priority for a parking space.2) We will close advertisement for the pamphlet . If you are considering, please email to PTA by 3 Mar.
3) We will produce HIS Festival poster (A3size). If you can think of a space to put up the poster, please email us.
The poster was designed by Sunni at G11. Thank you very much Sunni!
2. Plans for May and June
*A Kagura bus tour to Kenhoku (The northern part of Hiroshima Prefecture) in May.
*Watching a Hiroshima Carp Baseball Game at Mazda Stadium.
3. Report of PTA meeting on 23 February
We discussed about the progress of HIS Festival. Details will be on the minutes. The minutes will appear on HIS PTA home page.

7. Greetings from our incoming student teachers
Hello Students, Staff and Parents at H.I.S,
My name is Celeste Staal and I am delighted to be a student teacher at your school for the next ten weeks. A little bit about me, I am a student at Stenden University of Applied Sciences in Meppel, the Netherlands. I enjoy reading, traveling, animals, board games and spending time with my family and friends. I am very much looking forward to meet everybody and when you see me please don’t hesitate to say hello. I hope to see you soon!
My name is Laura Menting and I am looking forward to being a student teacher at HIS for the next ten weeks. I am a student at Stenden University of Applied Sciences in Meppel, The Netherlands where I am enrolled in an International Teaching program. I was born in a small town in The Netherlands which sparked my interest to see more of the world. I enjoy all things creative and adventurous such as photography, travelling, painting, reading, cooking and meeting new people. I am excited to start my internship and to meet you all soon! We hope these introductions are to your liking and we are looking forward to meet you all soon!
My name is Christopher Suppa and I am a Teacher Candidate from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. A little about me: I was born in Canada and lived most of my life in Toronto. I am passionate about education and working with students of all ages. My favourite subjects are Science and Phys Ed. I enjoy all sports, but especially soccer, volleyball and hockey. My hobbies include travel, cooking, cycling, running, and weightlifting. I love try new foods and meet new people. I have been looking forward to my time at HIS and I am very excited to be part of your school and community for 3 weeks. See you soon!
8. Sports Day is Friday, 21 April
We have been able to book the venue – Coca Cola Stadium. We will send more information next week.
(Translated) (Reminder)
9. HIS G12 DP Visual Arts Exhibition
- When: March 3 (Fri) to March 5 (Sun) / 10am to 5pm
- Opening Reception: March 3, 1pm to 3pm – all the artists will attend
- Where: Hitomachi Plaza, 4th floor, Gallery A (http://www.cf.city.hiroshima.
jp/m-plaza/kotsu.html) - Free admission
Hitomachi Plaza:
- Address: 6-36, Fukuromachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima – right next to Fukuromachi elementary school
- Map: (https://www.google.co.jp/maps
/place/6-36+Fukuromachi,+Naka- ku,+Hiroshima-shi,+Hiroshima-k en+730-0036/@34.3915524,132.45 60591,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m 4!1s0x355aa20e0dd8c9f1:0x29a31 4c97f4ade11!8m2!3d34.3915524! 4d132.4582478) Walking distance from Hondori and Sogo department
- 日時: 3月3日(金)〜3月5日(日) 午前10時から午後5時
- オープニングレセプション:3月3日(金)午後1時〜3時 作品を制作した生徒達は全員参加します
- 場所:合人社ウェンディ ひと・まちプラザ 4階 ギャラリーA (http://www.cf.city.hiroshima.
jp/m-plaza/kotsu.html) - 入場無料
G12美術選択生・黒川 礼子
10. Japanese Outline