The Crane, 2 Friday 2018


  • Spring Holiday Program
  • Host families needed
  • Coffee morning: Assessment in the MYP (16 February)
  • PTA News

1. Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Families

I hope you have all enjoyed the week. I would like to thank Jackie for all of her work in the organization and coordination of the event planned for tomorrow where some of our secondary students will have the opportunity to partner up with students from the Think Global School and meet with six survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and hear their stories. It will be a wonderful experience for our students.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule (Principal)

2. The Crane Video

 3. Spring Holiday Program

A spring holiday program will run for the week: Monday, 26 February – Friday, 2 March. Please, sign-up at this link if you are interested. The timetable for the program will be handed out to students on Monday, 5 FebruaryWith the small number of the students, the school is not able to provide transportation service for the program. We are looking into other options such as a share-taxi, which has been used in the past, but please be aware that there will be no school bus for the program.

4. Host Families Needed for April

Once again this year, HIS will have six students from Comenius College in Rotterdam, the Netherlands visit us in early April 2018. We are one year into our partnership with Comenius College. Last school year, six Dutch students visited HIS along with their teachers to conduct independent research, join in classes and learn about life in Hiroshima. In September 2017, HIS sent nine students to the Rotterdam on a similar program. This partnership is based on an agreement that families from each community will host visiting students. Not only does this make the trip cost-effective for both schools, it provides students with an authentic experience while they are abroad.

We are currently looking for host families to host students April 5-12, 2018. Host families are responsible for providing lodging, meals, and transportation to and from HIS for the visiting students. Host families are encouraged to engage in cultural exchange activities with the students during non-school hours. Small trips around town, sharing traditional food and customs are welcome! If you are interested in hosting a student or have questions about the possible arrangements please contact Ms. Pechhold (

We especially encourage students in Grades 8-12 to host a student, especially if they traveled to the Netherlands this past year. If you are interested in going to the Netherlands next school year, this is an excellent way to make a friend in advance!

If your child is currently in grade 8-11 and would like to consider visiting the Netherlands in September of 2018, there will be an information session during Parent Teacher Student Conferences on 21 March

5. Coffee morning: Assessment in the MYP (16 February)

The next coffee morning will take place at HIS on Friday, 16 February between 9:00 and 10:30 am. The focus will be on assessment in the MYP and helping parents understand the criteria and types of tasks on which their children are assessed. The meeting will be run by Ms. Annie and Ms. Pechhold. Both MYP and PYP parents are welcome to participate.

6. PTA News 2 Feb( 日本語は以下に)


As for HIS Festival, there will be a sign-up sheet for volunteers in your child’s folder on next Monday.  Please feel free to ask any question to the PTA team.   e-mail:

*Please email us any businesses who are interested in food and product sales at the Festival by February 9th. 10% of their product sales and 15% of their food sales will be paid to PTA.

Read It, Review It, Recommend It

In an effort to showcase our student’s love of reading with suggestions of books their friends might enjoy, we are starting a new section, Read It, Review It, Recommend It,  in our weekly Crane Newsletter where kids themselves can review books that they have read.  We are hopeful many ages will participate from EC all the way up to grade 12.  Please submit your short review in the format below to the PTA email at any time so we can include your review soon.  Happy reading!

HIS Student Book Review:

  • Student’s Name and Grade
  • Title of the book
  • Author
  • 1-5 Stars
  • A Short Description
  • Who Would You Recommend Read This Book
  • A link to the book on Amazon Japan or other websites
  • If you want you can include something else like a drawing of the book or characters

Valentines Day Bake Sale and Activity Volunteers Needed

There will be a bake sale and other Valentine’s fun happening at school on February 14th to benefit the playground renovations.  Please contact Marina at if you could help bake cookies or sweets for that day and Kumi at for help with other Valentine activities.

Val-O-Grams!  Students received order forms on Friday to order Val-O-Grams for their sweetheart or friends by February 7th and they will be delivered on Valentines Day, February 14th.  Parents are also more than welcome to print off this form and send it in with the money to have Val-O-Grams delivered to your students!  They are 200 yen each for a flower that includes 2 Hershey Kisses.  Please see the attached form for more information and if you have any questions please contact Kumi Kim at

 Valentine fundraising..pdf

HIS Book Swap February 21st! – PYP

More information will be coming soon, but to give you a heads up, in conjunction with the Reading Carousel on February 21st, HIS will be hosting it’s first ever Book Swap.  Each student is encouraged to bring in gently used books that they have already read and would like to exchange for different books.  What a great way to get new reading material and not spend any money!  Only students that bring books will be able to participate in the book swap and each student will go home with the same number of books he/she brought.  Begin searching those closets and bookshelves for books you have outgrown or already enjoyed and look for more information coming next week.

Welcome to HIS! – New student

Name: Li Xinyu

Grade: Grade10

Nationality: China

Father: Li Hui(Lee) Project manager

Mother: Yu Qiong (Nina) HR&Admin Director

Pets: Lele(dog)

Xinyu has lived in Fukuoka for one year and has moved into Hiroshima just half a month. And as the parents., we hadn’t living experience in Japan, but we have traveled quite a lot times to Japan.

Xinyu lives near Hiroshima station with host family. We like traveling, cooking, listening to music,go to see movie and the tea ceremony.



*フェスティバルのボランティアサインナップシートを月曜日にお子さんが持って帰りますのでどうぞご記入お願いいたします。ご質問はお気軽にPTAへ   e-mail:



みんなどんな本を読んでいるのか、またどれが良かったのか知りたいですよね?ここで本の情報をシェアしませんか? みんなが助かる情報ですよね!




HIS Student Book Review:













今日、子供たちがVal-O-Grams の注文書を持って帰ります。これは生徒があらかじめ小さな贈り物を届けたい人を選んで、14日のバレンタインにPTAボランティアが相手に配るアクティビティです。添付の注文書を印刷もしていただけます。お花一本(下に写真あり)につき200円で、Hershey Kiss チョコが2個入っています。注文書の提出は7日までで、ちょうどの金額を封筒に入れ、オフィスへご提出お願いします。


 Val-o-Gram 注文書.pdf

HIS 本の交換会 2月21日  (PYPのみ)

詳しいご案内は後日お知らせします。 2月21日のReading Carousel と一緒に初めてのBook Swap(本の交換会)を開催します。各生徒は読み終わった本(状態のよいもの)で別の本と交換したいと思ったらぜひお持ちください! お友達と交換できることはお金もかからないし良いシステムですね! 注意してほしいのは本を持ってきた生徒のみが交換会に参加できます。持参する本と同じ冊数を持ち帰れます。詳しくは来週お知らせしますが、既に読み終えて交換してもいいなと思う本を探し始めてください。

HISへようこそ! \ New student

Name: Li Xinyu

Grade: Grade10

Nationality: China

Father: Li Hui(Lee) Project manager

Mother: Yu Qiong(nina) HR&Admin Director

Pets: Lele(dog)






7. Japanese Outline