- 1 June return to on-campus classes;
- HIS Idol.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
We have one more week of distance learning before we start our on-campus classes and in preparation, we have our Guidelines for Reopening HIS for on-campus classes June 2020 which worked quite well before. For today’s Crane reading I would like to ask everyone to go through these guidelines once more. Thank you.
We are also excited to see our Grade 12 class graduate next weekend on Sunday. It will be a modified ceremony this year as a smaller gathering. We are very pleased that we will be able to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our Class of 2020. We will live-stream the ceremony for the school community and a link will be sent out during the week. Congratulations to our Grade 12 class!
Damian Rentoule
1 June return to on-campus classes
It looks like the COVID situation in Hiroshima remains stable, although as we know we still need to exercise caution to prevent further spread of infections. We are keeping an eye on the situation and are certainly hoping that the situation continues to remain calm.

Health Observation Form
As part of the return to on-campus class procedures, we have a medical observation form that needs to be filled out every morning before coming to school. Students will need this form to be completed and signed by a parent before getting on a school bus and before entering the school building. Please help us out with this. Thank you. Health Observation Form 健康観察カード April 2020
Everyone at school will need to be wearing a mask at all times, including during recess and PE, as well as on the buses.
Schedule for staggered on-campus class return
Click here to access PDF version: Schedule for return to on-campus classes at HIS in June 2020
HIS Idol
Hello Everyone,
- This event will no longer be a competition between contestants but a celebration of the talents that lay within our walls. In saying that, auditions will be open to anyone that has an ability that they will like to showcase it to the community, and of course, in the safety of their own homes.
- You will need to video yourself or have somebody video you, performing your talent. Then you will email or share that video to me.
- Due to time constraints, all videos will not make it to the final cut.
- We will like to share the final edited video with the HIS community.
Mr. Washington