ITEMS: Parent Meeting with Visiting CIS/IB Team; HIS Crane Club Representatives meet Hiroshima’s Mayor Mr. Matsui; Peace Ride Training; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
I would like to remind everyone of our HIS Health Guidelines related to the COVID19 pandemic. The reality is that the situation is as serious as it was when Japanese schools, including HIS, closed our campus last year.
In the graph below, you can see the Hiroshima active cases as reported on the Hiroshima Prefecture COVID new infection information webpage. School closures were happening during that first spike in cases during April. You can see the months running along the very bottom of the graph.
The message is that we need to maintain a reasonable sense of urgency and we can do this by continuing to follow our HIS Health Guideline very carefully.
We have also ordered a thermal camera for the front entrance which will enable a temperature check for visitors during the day which will provide another precautionary measure for us in our efforts to keep our campus as safe as possible for all of our families.
Thank you for your support.
This week’s TED Talk is about lessons learned from some ancient knowledge embedded within a modern culture. I like this talk as it describes a person’s search for some earth-friendly wisdom but also a person’s search to make sense of their own identity. Within the wonderful diversity of our HIS community, we are all trying to make sense of our identities and this is a lifelong journey for us all. In the Diploma Program, the course Theory of Knowledge examines indigenous ways of knowing which reminded me of some of the lessons environmental activist Khulan Batkhuyag learned from her experiences on this journey which are described here. I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
HIS Crane Club Representatives meet Hiroshima’s Mayor Mr. Matsui
I would like to congratulate Airi (Gr11) and Leah (Gr12) who spoke so articulately and represented the Crane Club and HIS so well at a meeting with Hiroshima’s Mayor, Mr Matsui on Friday afternoon. The meeting was in preparation for a Peace Day that our Secondary students will attend in the Peace Park on 15 October. Well done to you both.
Peace Ride Training
Well done to our 5-member Peace Ride team who were also joined by a number of supporters and led by HIS’s most avid cyclist, Mr Barker. The ride will take 4 days this year and be centred on the national park surrounding Daisen Mountain in Tottori Prefecture. Good luck with the training.
Participation in Parent Meeting with Visiting CIS/IB Team
As part of the Council of International Schools (CIS) and IB evaluation visit, that is happening next week, there is a meeting with parents.
The meeting is from 12:00 p m – 1:30 pm on Tuesday 6th October via Zoom. (I will send a Zoom link on Monday)
The first part will be all together and the second part will be in IB program groups (PYP/MYP/DP).
The visiting team would like to hear of your experiences as parents at HIS.
Please click here to sign up for the meeting. Thanks to all the parents who have signed up and if you would like to join but have not responded yet, please do so before Monday. Thank you for your support.
PTA News PTAニュース
Main points:
- Halloween Candy donations reminders
- Halloween candy packaging volunteers wanted
- Hoodies
- Scholastic/Baker Books Order reminder
Halloween Candy Reminder
- A friendly reminder that we are currently accepting donations of Halloween candy. Please hand your contributions into the office by Friday, October 16th. Donated candy should be individually wrapped and we ask that you avoid treats containing nuts as we have students with severe nut allergies. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
- ハロウィン用お菓子の寄付のリマインダー
Halloween Candy Packing Volunteers
- We are planning to divide up and pack the donated Halloween candy into individual packages for each student on Friday, October 26th. Please mark your calendars and come along if you have time to help.
- Halloween candy 詰め合わせとイベント準備のボランティア募集 10月26日にcandy詰め合わせとイベント準備をします。お時間がございましたら、お手伝い宜しくお願いします。
Hoodie Order
- The deadline for ordering school hoodies has now passed. We are pleased to have received so many orders. Thanks to all concerned.
- Hoodie Order Thanks パーカー注文を締め切りました
Scholastic / Baker Books Order
- Today, Friday, October 2nd, is the deadline for the current Scholastic/Baker Books order. You can still get an order in if you click on the link below by the end of today!
- スコラスティック/ベイカー ブックス 注文の最終リマインダー
本日10月2日(金)がスコラスティック/ベイカー ブックス 注文の締め切り日となっております。ご注文予定の方は、下記のリンクより急いでご注文ください。