ITEMS: Secondary Event in Peace Park; Congratulations to Jundai; Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences; PTA.

Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
We had a busy week with the visiting team from the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the International Baccalaureate (IB). At the end of the virtual visit, we were provided an initial summary, in draft form, of major commendations (what they thought we were doing very well) and recommendations (areas needing improvement). The self-study and the evaluation visit are based on comprehensive sets of standards addressing all aspects of school life. The final report will highlight all of the commendations and recommendation and this will be shared with the school community. All of the recommendations are incorporated into PYP, MYP, DP or whole school action plans so we can use it to guide our development over the next few years.
For everyone in IB schools, we develop into more reflective learners. The definition of a reflective learner is; giving thoughtful consideration to our learning and experience, and being able to assess and understand our strengths and limitations. We do this in order to support our learning and personal development. In his way, the process that the school goes through during the self-study models the way we want individuals to approach learning.
If an organization can act as an individual, why not a lake or a river? That is certainly a good question and Kelsey Leonard presents a great perspective on the rights of our environment. I hope you enjoy the talk. Enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Secondary Event in Peace Park
Here are copies of the permission forms for the all-day excursion.
Congratulations to Jundai
Jundai (Gr9) participated in a piano competition called the Chugoku Youth Music Competition 2020. He received the Gold Award in the junior high school section. It was in the Chugoku newspaper today. Great work, Jundai, and you can see a short clip below.
We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Parent-Teacher-Student conferences next Friday. Remember that there are no regular classes on this day.
Thank you to the PTA for organizing the HIS hoodie orders. They were delivered to everyone today and it is perfect timing with the cold weather here already. Damian
From the PTA PTAニュース
Main points: 主なお知らせ
- Free shoes!
- Hoodies
- Halloween Help Please!
- Festive Eve Costume Help Please!
・Free shoes!
After many attempts to find the owners, and waiting for a long time for someone to come and claim them, a collection of shoes has built up at school that the office has no space for, and we will soon have no alternative but to throw them out. There are PE shoes and indoor shoes in a variety of sizes, which are still in very good condition, so to avoid the waste of them ending up in the trash, we would love it if someone would give them a new home.
The shoes will be laid out on a table in the genkan next week between October 12th and 16th. Please help yourself if you can find a pair that fits someone in your house!
学校に残された長期間持ち主不明の靴があります。これまで、持ち主を探したり、取りに来られるのを待っていましたが、何足かはどうしても持ち主が見つかりませんでした。PEシューズ・インドアシューズがあり、サイズも色も様々です。状態もとてもきれいで、このまま処分してしまうのはとてももったいなく、どなたかに履いていただけると とても嬉しいです!
・Hoodies パーカー
Thanks to all who ordered hoodies. We hope you find them useful now the weather is cooling down. The hoodies have been distributed to all those who have handed in the payment to the school office.
・Halloween help please (from Matt J and Kumi K)
On Monday, October 26th, we will be preparing for the Halloween event and packaging the Halloween candy for the kids. We need your help to get this done. Please come along to the genkan at INSERT TIME if you have time.
We also need your help at the Halloween event in the afternoon of Friday,October 30th. Things we need help with include 10 minutes of spooky story telling, and various craft projects. We look forward to your support. Please contact Kumi Kim directly or e-mail us at in advance to let us know you will be able to help on the day.
イベント当日にお手伝いいただける方は前もって、クミ キムさんに直接ご連絡いただくか、私たちのメールpta@hiroshima-is,ac,jp までご連絡ください。
One of the crafts at our Halloween event involves acorns. We would like to enlist the help of your children to collect enough acorns in good condition. If anyone is out in nature this weekend or next week, please have your kids collect as many as they like and put them in the ACORN box, which will be in the genkan from Monday! (Clean ones would be much appreciated) qq
・Festive Eve Costume Help Please!
The school Festive Eve costume production club is also looking for volunteers over the next few weeks for the upcoming students led musical production of “Mamma Mia!” with all the camp fun of ABBA . There are many ways to help, including sewing and crafting, shopping for necessary items, organising cast costumes, and lending us things from your fashion and accessory collections to complete the students’ desired looks. For new families to HIS, this can be an excellent way to get to know other parents in the community in a fun, relaxed and collaborative atmosphere. A LINE group for communication and announcements for costume volunteers has been created, so please ask someone you know to add you if you would like to be involved, and if you do not use LINE, please contact Jackie Ikegami (09078909464) or any of the PTA Team, or e-mail any time you feel you have time to help, and we will let you know if there is anything you can do. Details of what help is required will be announced in the Mamma Mia Mamas LINE group each morning from Monday, October 12th onwards.
毎年恒例の生徒主導で行われるフェスティブイブ、今年はABBA の楽曲を楽しく組み合わせ作られたミュージカル『マンマ・ミーア!』に決まりました。学校の実行委員会に当たる、フェスティブイブ・プロダクションでは、このミュージカルで使用する衣装作成のボランティアを募集しております。
また、ラインを使われない方は、池上ジャッキー (09078909464)にお電話いただくか、PTAのにメールを頂くか 、直接PTAメンバーにお声をかけていただいても構いませんので、よろしくお願いします。