ITEMS: Festive Eve
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Thank you to everyone involved in the Festive Eve performances. The show was a great success and this event is an invaluable experience for our students who work really independently on the production, more and more so as they get older. One of the most important parts of the event in my mind is the opportunity for our students to see older students taking these leading roles in the management, direction and support of the performance. As adults, it is very difficult for us to know the world as a child knows the world, however, we look to those around us to learn how to be and who to be. For our younger students to see the older role models taking such responsibility and working so independently is a real gift for our whole school community.
Congratulations to the Secondary orchestra. All students take up an instrument in Grade 6 and those performances are always anxious affairs. A special note of thanks to Jundai, as well, who took on a real leading role in the lead up to the event as well as playing so beautifully on the day. It is wonderful to see the students’ development year after year.
That was a great performance.
Thank you very much to our Festive Eve audiences for supporting us by following our procedures so well, helping us to maintain a relatively safe environment in these ongoing COVID times. The performance, of course, presented certain challenges, but thanks to everyone’s support and flexibility, we were able to move ahead and provide this valuable learning experience.
Also, many thanks to the very large team of parents who became known as the Mamma Mia Mammas who, led by Jackie, worked tirelessly to create some truly spectacular costumes for the performance. We really appreciate your enthusiasm and selfless efforts to support the production.
We are now into the last week of school before the winter break so please make sure you are all being extra careful following our health guidelines.
We are looking forward to a great week to finish off this first part of the year. Thanks again for all of the support that has gone into Festive Eve.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
This week, we have a slightly longer Crane Video than usual. This is the live stream recording in case you missed it. Also, many thanks to the Sonoda family who are once again making a professional quality recording of Festive Eve for our school community which will be available shortly.