ITEMS: Action Week Photos; BOT Guardian Election; Math Text Order Forms; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Welcome to the Summer Break. We hope you all have a safe and relaxing summer and get time to have great conversations with your children.

We have some members of our Board of Trustees and Board of Directors moving away so we are looking for members of the community to take up positions. Some of these are the Guardian (parent) positions in the Board of Trustees. If you would be interested in this, please nominate yourself on this form. We need your support!
Have a great holiday!
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Farewell Videos
Here are the two farewell videos from our final assembly.
Action Week
Here are a few more images of Action Week. Lots of great activities to finish the year.
Math Textbooks Orders
We are organizing the purchase of some Math texts for interested families as these can be ordered individually but the shipping for individual items tends to be quite expensive.
- Primary is optional as we have them as class sets.
- Secondary students are required to purchase their own texts. (Details are explained on the text list that has been distributed.)
Some primary parents have expressed an interest in purchasing a copy of the math textbooks for home. If you are interested, please indicate the grade level books you would like. The cost per textbook is $12 USD plus shipping. Invoices will be distributed after shipping prices are calculated.
For Secondary students, a text list has been distributed with prices listed and notes. If you would like the school to order your copy, please check the grade level below. Invoices will be distributed after shipping prices are calculated.
PTA News
Dear Parents,
We hope you are enjoying the start of the summer vacation.
This final message is just to let you know the results of the two votes that were held over the last week, with the deadlines passing on Thursday, June 24th…
- The new PTA Committee for the 2021-22 school year have been duly elected. With 48 people taking part in the vote, 47 voted in favour of the proposal, and we had one abstention.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to take part. With the PTA team in place at the beginning of the school year, we should be able to hit the ground running and get things off to a good start!
- The proposal to allow the use of PTA funds up to the amount of ¥180,200 for the purchase of sports equipment has also been approved. Out of 46 people who took part in the vote, 44 voted in favour, with one against, and one abstention.
We are pleased to have been able to do something to support the school with some of the funds raised by your efforts and support this year.
Thanks also to those who filled out the feedback form. We will leave this form open so that you may continue to give us your feedback if anything positive or constructive occurs to you. The new PTA will continue to consider all feedback they receive in their planning and activities next year.
Thank you all for your support this year. Have a fabulous summer!
- 2021-2022年度の新しいPTA役員投票は、48人が投票にご参加くださり、賛成47票、棄権1票、で立候補しましたメンバーは正式に選出・承認されました。
- PTA資金からスポーツ用具購入のために180,200円を拠出する案についての投票には、46人が投票にご参加くださり、賛成44票、反対1票、棄権1票で承認されました。