ITEMS: My Mommy is Beautiful; The Momiji Tree; Crane Club; TED Ed Student Talks; HIS Tutor List; Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Below, we have the recording of our second Alumni Panel. Three of our recent graduates kindly gave up their time to talk to HIS parents about their experiences at HIS and their transition to higher education. If you are wondering about the future of your child, which we all do, of course, this is a discussion you do not want to miss. We often say that our program at HIS prepares students for the world, full of change and uncertainty, that they are about to enter. When we hear our graduates speak, we are reassured that we are, in fact, doing that well. We hope you enjoy the discussion and I would like to thank our graduates for helping our parents understand our program better by sharing those experiences with our school community.
Celebrating our diverse identities is a cornerstone of building a peaceful culture and is very close to our hearts here at HIS. In this week’s TED Talk, Nicole Maines shares her experiences of moving from a school community that did not value diverse identities and inclusive relationships to a school community which did. She argues that the way we treat an individual affects everyone. She is right. This is a powerful understanding. She provides us all with some excellent advice in this great talk. Enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
My Mommy is Beautiful

The participatory artwork by Yoko Ono is now exhibited at HIS and we would like to invite you to visit us to make a contribution.
We would like to thank Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art for their generous support which has made this collaboration possible.
A message from the Project Team (This was a video message introduction from couple of weeks ago.)

We have been planning to present Yoko Ono’s “My mommy is beautiful” to our school with the help of Ms.K for the past few months. “My mommy is beautiful” is a participatory work in which participants are invited to express their feelings to their mother by writing on a post-it note and adding to the wall. The installation of the art work will start on September 16th and end on 21st, and the work will be revealed on 22nd of September. The artwork will be here until the end of March, next year. It will be installed on the left side wall of the main entrance. The artwork is meant to be created by the whole school community. We will be placing post-it notes and pens so that students, teachers, parents and even visitors can be part of the project. Further instructions will be placed on the wall in English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and French. We hope that all community members take part in the project and enjoy the experience of creating an interactive artwork together. Thank you.
オノ・ヨーコの「My mommy is beautiful」「私のママは美しい」を、展示することになりました。展示場所は玄関の左側の壁です。この作品は、お母さんへの気持ちを付箋紙に書いて壁に貼って、たくさんの人が参加することで出来上がる参加型作品です。作品のインスタレーションは9月16日から21日まで、9月22日に公開されます。 作品は来年の3月末までここにあります。 アートワークは、学校コミュニティ全体が作成することを目的としています。 生徒、教師、保護者、さらには訪問者もプロジェクトに参加していただければ幸いです。 さらなる指示は、展示の横に書いてありますので、そちらを読んでください。コミュニティの皆様がプロジェクトに参加し、インタラクティブなアートワークを一緒に作成する体験を楽しんでいただければ幸いです。ありがとうございました。
저희는 지난 몇 달 동안 아티스트, Yoko Ono의 “My mommy is beautiful”를 우리 학교에 발표할 계획에 있었습니다. 이 작품은 포스트잇에 글을 쓰고 벽에 붙여 엄마에게 자신의 마음을 표현하여 저희 모두가 참여할 수 있는 작품입니다. 작품 설치는 9월 16일부터 21일까지 진행되며 작품은 9월 22일 공개됩니다. 작품은 내년 3월 말까지 전시 될 예정으로 정문 좌측 벽면에 설치됩니다. 이 작품은 학교 공동체 전체가 합동하여 함께 만들어가야 합니다. 저희는 학생, 선생님, 학부모, 심지어 방문객까지 프로젝트에 참여할 수 있도록 포스트잇과 펜을 배치할 것이고 작품의 설명은 영어, 일본어, 한국어, 중국어 및 프랑스어로 벽에 게시됩니다. 모든 커뮤니티 구성원이 프로젝트에 참여하고 함께 인터랙티브한 작품을 만드는 경험을 즐기시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
Crane Club
Our HIS Crane Club receive paper Cranes from schools all over the world. Here is a video they produced for a primary school in Nebraska, U.S. who sent in a box of Cranes. I am sure the primary students will be very excited to see their Cranes being received here in Hiroshima. Thank you to the Crane Club for all of the work making sure that these gifts of peace make their way to the Peace Park.
TED Ed Student Talks
This year the grade 9/10 students are participating in the TED-Ed Student Talks program offered by the TED organization. In English classes, the 9/10 students are beginning to think about their topics and they will be creating and delivering TED style talks in the Spring. Students who are feeling like Learner Profile Risk-Takers may choose to share their talks on the TED-Ed Student Talks global forum or with the HIS community, so watch for some student TED style talks in future editions of The Crane.
The Momiji Tree

In another example of participatory artwork, our HIS Momiji Tree is needing more leaves. We are just about to have some leaves made for donations received from kind donors over the Summer Holiday. If you would like your name up on the walls of HIS to recognize your kind support for our wonderful school you can make a pledge at this link for a donation for the HIS Momiji Tree. If it is easier, you could just bring your donation to the HIS office. Thank you for all of your support and we are looking forward to seeing our Momiji Tree full of leaves.
HIS Tutor List
There are times when a family would like some extra support for their child’s learning with a tutor. HIS has maintianed a list of potential tutors in the local communty that we can share with families if they are looking for a tutor. Although the tutors on the list generally have some connection to HIS such as a history of tutoring students, for example, the tutoring is not a part of our regular program. Families need to decide whether the tutoring service is a good fit for their needs. It is always a good idea to discuss needs with your child’s teachers if you are considering a tutor.
On the topic of our tutor list, we will be adding a new contact. It is a new online tutoring service run by two former HIS students, Miya and Lia, called EduHub. We would like to support our former students in this way as part of our extended HIS community. As noted above, we remind families that they need to make a decision regarding the fit between their needs and the tutoring service.

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences (Monday, 11th October)
On Monday, 11th October, we have our Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences. We will be runnng this day in a virtual format as a precautionary measure against the spread of COVID within the school community. The day will take the form of a series of pre-booked Zoom sessions. As this is another new format, we are now considering the logistics of the day and will let you know of booking procedures.
PTA News PTAニュース
Main Points 今週の要点
- Halloween Decoration and Sweet Donation ハロウィーン 飾りつけとお菓子の寄付のお願い
- Scholastic / Baker Books Order (Deadline: Mon 9/27) スコラスティック/ ベイカーブックス注文 (締切:9/27 月)
- HIS Hoodie Order (Deadline: Mon 9/27) HIS パーカーの注文(締切:9/27 月)
◆ Halloween Decoration and Sweet Donation
We have received permission to hold the event, and plan to decorate the school for Halloween on October 1st (Friday). We would really appreciate it if you could come and help on Friday morning.
We would also like to ask you to arrange the sweets we give out to the children during the Halloween event. As a guide per child, please bring roughly 2 large bags of individually wrapped candy / snack to the school office. (It is okay for your child to bring it with them). It doesn’t need to be special Halloween candy. Please bring it in by October 15th (Friday) before the autumn holidays.
ハロウィーン 飾りつけとお菓子の寄付のお願い
また、Halloween のイベント時に子供たちに配るお菓子の寄付をお願いしたいと思っています。目安として個包装の大袋入り2袋程度を学校のオフィス宛てにお届けください。(お子さまに持たせていただいてOKです) お菓子はハロウィン仕様のものでなくても大丈夫です。秋休みに入る前の10月15日(金)までにお願いします。
◆ Scholastic/Baker Book Club Order -Deadline Mon 9/27 スコラスティック/ベイカー ブッククラブ オーダー締切間近 -Mon 9/27
Don’t forget that our latest Scholastic Book Club is now online. There are hundreds of fantastic children’s books to choose from.
➡︎ ⬅︎
Every $1 you spend on this month’s Book Club will earn 20¢ for our school in Scholastic Rewards.
Thanks to those who have already purchased – so far we have accumulated points worth about 40,000 yen. This is an opportunity to contribute to the school as these will be used to add books to the library.
Please place your order online by September 27th, 2021. The deadline is approaching. Don’t miss it!
スコラスティック/ ベイカー ブッククラブ注文 締切間近 -9/27(月)
現在Scholastic/Baker Booksのご注文を受け付ています。以下から最新のラインナップをご覧ください。沢山の人気本の中からお選びいただくことができます。
➡︎ ⬅︎
Book Clubで本の購入をされますと、Book Club 内で使えるポイントとしてご購入1ドルにつき20¢がHISに入ります。これまで購入してくださった方のおかげで、現在約4万円分のポイントが溜まっています。このポイントは図書室の本を充実させる為に活用されますので、皆さま、ぜひともこの機会にご購入ください。
◆ HIS Hoodie Order -Deadline Mon 9/27 HISパーカー注文 締切間近 -9/27(月)
As we announced at Crane last week, we are currently accepting orders for HIS Hoodies.
The deadline for this order is September 27th (Monday).
We will distribute the hoodies after October Break (October 18th).
Regarding the payment for your order, Please put the exact amount of money in an envelope with your child’s name, grade and hand it to the office. Please note that your child will receive the items after the payment has been confirmed.
Note) As mentioned in the Google Form, please be sure to click the “Submit” button at the end to place your order.
➡︎ Order Hoodies HERE!!!! ⬅︎
HISパーカー注文 締切間近 -9/27(月)
今回のご注文分を皆様のお手元にお配りできるのはOctober Break明けの週の予定です。
注)Google Formの中にも記載していますが、ご注文の完了には必ず最後の『送信』ボタンを押していただきますようお願いします。
➡︎ パーカー注文はここをクリック! ⬅︎
That’s all from us. Have a lovely weekend!