The Crane, 1 October 2021

ITEMS: Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences; PYP Information Session; PTA News

Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

I hope you all had a great week. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences on 11th October and some information for that event is below. It is being held virtually this year due to COVID and we hope that the virtual format will make it a bit easier to attend.

I would also like to thank the PTA who have been working on some Halloween festivities, which will be in-school and modified to be COVID friendly. The PTA is also planning a modified version of our Bonfire Evening which has always been a fun event. We did not run this last year due to COVID but we have some ideas for a slightly adjusted format that will allow us to go ahead. Thank you to the PTA for the creative problem solving and your ongoing efforts to help the HIS community stay connected and have some fun.

This is a great talk by graphic journalist Wendy MacNaughton about how our perceptions of the world and of people can be shaped by the act of drawing. “Drawing is looking, and looking is loving,” is a powerful message and the speaker’s ideas are a wonderful application of this artistic endeavour.

Enjoy your weekend.


Damian Rentoule

Crane Video

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

  • Monday, 11th October 2021   
  • Conference Times: 09.00–12.20 & 13.00–16.00                                                    
  • Teacher lunch break (no conferences) 12:20 – 1:00

This is the first occasion to discuss your child’s progress with their teachers. 

  • All meetings will take place via Zoom. 
  • The conversation is for you, your child, and their teachers.
  • If you need more time please arrange for an additional meeting at another time. 
  • Translation services are very limited. See notes below in Primary and Secondary sections.
  • Teachers will send a Zoom link.


  • EC meetings will be for 20 minutes
  • KG-Gr5 meetings will be for 10 minutes.
  • If you would like translation support, please let your homeroom teacher know in advance.
  • Primary Classroom Teachers
    • Conference times for Primary are pre-scheduled by HIS.
  • Yumi sensei (Primary Japanese) 
    • A schedule/sign-up sheet will be shared with parents.
  • Ms Nina (English as an Additional Language) 
    • A schedule/sign-up will be shared with parents. 
  • Takako sensei (Music) & Mika sensei (Health & Physical Education)
    • Due to high Secondary student numbers Primary parents will need to arrange time on an alternate day where needed. 


  • Gr6-12 meetings will be for 10 minutes.
  • Gr11/12 Students will have a structured study day when they are not in a conference. A form will  be sent home with each student for parents to sign and return. 
  • In most cases, Secondary students will translate when necessary.
  • Parents will book their interview time on a sign-up form that will be shared on Monday.

There are no classes on this day.  We look forward to seeing you on October 11th.

Damian Rentoule (Principal)

Marisa Villarreal (Primary Vice Principal/PYP Coordinator)

PYP Parent Information Session

This is just a reminder that we will be holding a PYP parent information session on Monday, October 4 from 9:00 am – 10:00 am. During this session, we will be looking more closely at what learning looks like in PYP. We will also take a look at assessment and reporting from EC to Grade 5. We hope that you can join us!

Marisa Villarreal (Primary Vice Principal/PYP Coordinator)

PTA News PTAニュース

Main Points 今週の要点

  • Halloween Decoration and Sweet Donation (Reminder) ハロウィン飾りつけのお礼とハロウィン お菓子の寄付のお願い (再確認)
  • Notice of PTA Meeting (Thu 10/14)  PTA ミーティング開催のお知らせ (10月14日 木)
  • Library help request ライブラリーお手伝いのお願い
  • Bonfire Night Announcement Friday 5th Nov ボンファイヤ・ナイト開催のお知らせ 11月5日 金曜日 夜
  • Scholastic / Baker Books Order  スコラスティック/ ベイカーブックス報告
  • HIS Hoodie Order HIS パーカーご注文分に関して

The state of emergency has been lifted, and hopefully, we can gradually restart normal daily life in school. Along with that, we are happy to announce that the above events will be held.

10月より緊急事態宣言が解除されましたので、少しづつですが学校生活においても日常を取り戻せていけたらと思います。 それに伴いイベント開催のお知らせができることも嬉しく思います。

◆ Halloween Decorations report and Candy Donation Request (Reminder) 

ハロウィンの飾りつけのお礼、及び、ハロウィーン お菓子の寄付のお願い (再確認)

Thank you to those who joined us in putting the decorations up for Halloween today! Now the school is covered in spooky things and the children are very excited and screaming while walking past them!

As mentioned in last week’s Crane, we are asking for donations of candy to be distributed to the children during the Halloween event (Friday, October 29th). Please send roughly two large bags of individually wrapped candy to the school office. (The candy does not have to be Halloween specific). Please bring them by Friday, October 15th, before the autumn break.



また先週のCraneでお伝えさせていただきましたように、Halloween のイベント時(10/29 金)に子供たちに配るお菓子の寄付をお願いしております。目安として個包装の大袋入り2袋程度を学校のオフィス宛てにお届けください (お子さまに持たせていただいてOKです)。お菓子はハロウィン仕様のものでなくても大丈夫です。秋休みに入る前/10月15日(金)までにお願いします。

◆ PTA meeting PTA ミーティング開催のお知らせ

The PTA meeting, which has been delayed for some time by COVID is scheduled to be held on October 14th (Thursday) for the first time this year. You can also participate by Zoom. We will send the link to participate in the Zoom by e-mail etc.


Date :  October 14th (Thursday) 日時:10月14日(木)

Location: HIS meeting room (Next to Mr Rentoule office) 

      場所:HIS ミーティングルーム  (校長先生の隣のお部屋)

Time 時間 : 9: 00-10: 00AM

Link for Zoom  Zoom参加リンク: 

 ➡︎ ⬅︎

  ■ Agenda 議題

  1. PTA financial report  PTA会計報告
  2. Halloween ハロウィン
  3. Bonfire Night  ボンファイヤ・ナイト
  4. PTA Shop PTAショップ
  5. Parents’ Library help ライブラリーの保護者手伝いについて

If there is anything else you would like to see discussed, please contact the PTA team at .

この他に話し合って欲しいこと等ありましたら、PTA役員 ( ) までお知らせください。

Library Volunteers Needed 図書室ボランティア募集

Ms V would like to ask for volunteers to help the children choose, return, and check out books during the student library hours as well as before and after the class, if you are able, you can help with labeling and organizing the books to make the library more usable.

The volunteer period is scheduled to start after the autumn break in October. Details will be emailed to PYP parents at a later date.

Ms Vから、ボランティアのお願いです。



◆ Bonfire Night -Friday evening, Nov 5th ボンファイヤ・ナイト開催決定 11月5日金曜日 夜 

Bonfire Night, which was cancelled last year, will be held this year. However, the scale of the event will be reduced due to COVID. Details will be announced later.



◆ Scholastic/Baker Book Club Order スコラスティック/ベイカー ブッククラブ 注文

Thank you to everyone who ordered from our Scholastic/Baker Book Club. We will let you know as soon as your books arrive. 

The total value of the books ordered this time was over $1000, meaning we could purchase about $200 worth of books for the school library. Ms V has already chosen a lot of new books with this money so that children can read them and benefit as soon as possible. We are very grateful to everyone who has helped us support the school in this way. 

For those who didn’t manage to order in time this time, please look out for our next Book Club!


この度、トータルで$1000を超える注文をいただき、約$200ものHIS図書室の本を充実させるための資金を獲得することができました。この資金で早速Ms Vが沢山の新しい本を選んでくださいましたので、子供達に読んでもらうことができますね。たくさんの皆さまからの学校サポートに、心より感謝いたします。


◆ HIS Hoodies Order HISパーカーのご注文分に関して

Thank you very much for your orders.

The products will arrive after the autumn break and can be picked up starting the week of October 25th. If you have not yet paid for your order, please drop it off at the office as soon as possible. Please note that your child will receive the items after the payment has been confirmed.




That’s all from us this week. Have a lovely weekend!
