ITEMS: Students-led workshop for teachers; Guardian vacancies for BOT; Kanji testing questionaire; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
As we move into the one-week Autumn break, I would like to remind families about the importance of reading. Parents can help children develop reading routines. You can read to them and younger learners love this. If you have older children, try reading some things that they are reading. It is great for the conversations. However, whatever you do, above all, carve out time to read in your child’s daily routine.
Also, remember that scrolling through social media is not what we are talking about when we look at developing reading skills. The language needs to be complex enough (relative to their reading level) to challenge them. Social media will not do this. Your child, if given the chance, may not choose to read. They may prefer to scroll through social media or play video games. As a parent, you play a crucial role in helping them make good choices – even if they do not want to read, and perhaps, especially if they do not want to read. When you consider the implications of the image below for your child’s academic development over the years, the reading routine is a daily investment that you can not afford to miss. It is one of the simplest yet most impactful things a parent can do to influence the academic development of their child.

The Change Maker, Melati, in this week’s TED Talk, who no doubt is an avid reader, shows us that inspiration for making a difference can start very early. It is also a reminder for all of us to treat the ideas of young children with care. You never know where they will end up. Enjoy the Autumn Break and make sure there those reading routines are in place. Thanks
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Students-led workshop for teachers
Itsuki, Sean, SuA, and Mian (Gr11) held an online workshop for teachers to share their learning journeys through the process of making a book trailer. They shared how they improved and enhanced their reading comprehension, self-management, and communication skills using their Japanese language and IT skills as a vehicle. They also shared how they were able to promote the attention of global issues by recommending the books they chose. The workshop was a great success and many teachers from Thailand, Australia, the USA, and Japan participated. It was a very interesting and meaningful experience for educators to learn from students how to learn and how what they learned helps them. Kudos to Itsuki, Sean, SuA, and Mian!
Yumi Kyogoku (Japanese Teacher)

Guardian vacancies on the Board of Trustees
We have 3-5 Guardian positions open on the BOT. Currently, Kelly Rose & Barry Ngo are the two Guardian Representatives on the BOT. We need between 5-7. Members of the BOT can join via Zoom and we only have 2 or 3 meetings a year. This is a great way to contribute to the HIS School Community.
By the way, this is the nomination form. If you are interested, please nominate yourself on this form.
Here is a short explanation from our website regarding the difference between the BOD & the BOT.
Some history about the nomination/voting procedures, just to clarify:
- The Act of Endowment states that BOT guardians are elected from amongst current HIS parents.
- Article 16: Election of Trustees
- (3) A minimum of six (5) and a maximum of seven (7) persons who have been elected by and from among the guardians of the children who are currently enrolled in HIS;
- Article 16: Election of Trustees
- The PTA is not mentioned so it has no official role, however for a long period of time, the elections were held at PTA meetings and run by the PTA for convenience as this was the main gathering of parents at HIS.
- Four years ago, the PTA Committee requested that the school take over this process for a the following reasons:
- People had to attend PTA meeting where voting occured in person which limited the potential nominations for the BOT and meant that only a limited cross-section of the parent body was included.
- It was felt that elections ‘for the parent positions run by the parents’ had the potential to become a conflict of interest, or at least to create unnecessary conflict and anxiety. In this particular case, a PTA committee member was nominated but also would have been responsible for running the election.
- We came up with a process for the school to run the elections and for four years the school has run the BOT election process as detailed in the nomination form.
The BOT Guardian positions are still sometimes referred to as PTA positions (which came into use because historically voting was held at a PTA meeting), but this is not correct. It is a Guardian position. There are Staff positions on the BOT as well so both parents and the teachers are represented on the BOT, just in different categories of membership. We look forward to working together!
漢字検定(日本漢字能力検定)の実施に関するアンケートのお願い(締め切り10月25日)/ Questionnaire regarding “The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing” (due on October 25th)
HIS日本語科では、生徒の漢字スキルの向上を目標として、学年末に任意の「漢字検定」団体受検の導入を検討しています。受験希望者が10人以上いる場合、HISを受験会場として登録することができ、平日の授業時間内に受験を行うことが可能となります。保護者の皆様のご意見を参考にさせていただき、HISを受験会場として登録するかどうかを最終決定したいと思いますので、以下のアンケートにご協力ください。尚、「漢字検定」のためにPYP/MYP/DPのカリキュラムを変更することはないこと、受験料は別途かかること、漢字検定学習用のテキストは必要に応じて各ご家庭でご用意して頂く必要があることをご了承ください。アンケートの回答はこちらからお願いします。Google form
広島インターナショナルスクール 日本語科一同
Dear Parents,
The HIS Japanese Department is planning to organize “Kanken” the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing at school as an optional activity. It is to help improve the student’s kanji skills. HIS can be the exam station if there are more than 10 candidates, and we conduct the exam during the school day. For your information, our PYP/MYP/DP curriculum won’t change because of the test. Please bear in mind that an examination fee and textbooks are needed. We would like to hear your opinions regarding the opportunity for your child to take the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. Please answer the questionnaire in the link below. Google form
HIS Japanese Department
Main Point 今週の要点
- PTA Meeting-Thank you!
- PTA Treasurer’s Report
- New BOT Members Required
- Festive Eve Costume Team
フェスティブ イブ 衣装係
- Scholastic / Baker Books Arrived!
スコラスティック / ベイカーブックス
- Halloween Volunteers and Sweet bagging-up.
ハロウィンイベントのお手伝い と お菓子袋詰め作業お手伝いのお願い
- Bonfire Night Update and the History of “Bonfire Night”
ボンファイア・ナイト の最新情報、および、ボンファイア・ナイトの歴史的背景について
※ We will send the application form out by Email.
◆ PTA Meeting PTAミーティング
On the morning of Thursday 14th, we held a general PTA meeting both at HIS and via Zoom. Mr Rentoule and Ms V also attended. We discussed the PTA accounting report, Halloween, Bonfire Night, PTA shop, library parent volunteers, the Festive Eve’s costume club help, and recruiting BOT (council) members. We will inform you about the contents of the meeting through Crane, so please (continue!) to read The Crane every week.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
14日木曜日の午前、校長先生、Ms V も一部ご出席のもと、HISミーティングルームとZoomで繋げて全体PTAミーティングを開催いたしました。PTA会計報告、ハロウィン、ボンファイヤ・ナイト、PTAショップ、図書室の保護者ボランティア、フェスティブ・イブの衣装部手伝い、BOT(評議会)メンバー募集、についてお話をさせていただきました。ミーティングの内容につきましては、Craneを通じてお伝えさせていただきますので、今後も引き続き毎週のCraneをお読みいただきますようお願いいたします。
◆ PTA Treasurer’s Report PTA会計報告
Please check the Treasurer’s Report from Sayaka-san, who is in charge of PTA finances. Below are links to last year’s 2020-2021 edition and this year’s 2021-2022 current status..
➡ HIS PTA Treasurer’s report for 2020-2021
➡︎ HIS PTA Treasurer’s report for 2021-2022
◆ New BOT Members Required 新BOTメンバー募集
As Mr Rentoule has let us know by Email, we need some of our parents to join the HIS Board of Trustees (BOT). This is an advisory group as “Guardians” for the school. The BOT only meets 2-3 times per year and you can participate by Zoom. If you are interested in helping out, please just add your name to the nomination form by ➡ the link here . Details about the role and process can be found on the nomination form. We really appreciate your support.
We would also like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation to all of our Board of Trustee and Board of Director members for their generous support of the school as volunteers.
校長先生よりEメールにてお知らせがありましたように、BOT (評議会) 保護者枠の新メンバーを募集しております。BOTは年に2、3回会議を行いますが、Zoom による参加も可能です。BOTメンバーとしての立候補に興味がある方は、 ➡ こちらのリンク のフォームより立候補の手続きを取ってください。皆さまの学校へのサポートに心より感謝申し上げます。
◆ Festive Eve “Annie” Costume Support フェスティブ イブ “Annie” の衣装手伝い
Hello, my name is Nami Ohata, the mother of Soma in G1, who will be in charge of the FESTIVE costume club this year.
Until this year, Jackie Ikegami has been leading the costume club for many years. She made clothes directly from fabric but unfortunately I don’t have quite the same technique! However, I have a desire to support the children with the costume club so that they can get into the role.
Therefore, this year, I would like to make good use of recycle shops, etc., make some modifications to what we can buy cheaply and remake it. Please help me!
During the autumn vacation, I will share the images of the costumes required for each role on the LINE group.
Please take this opportunity to visit second-hand shops Maybe you’ll find the perfect outfit or accessory! If you find something, please be sure to send the photo to me, Ohata Nami, on LINE before you buy it. This would be much appreciated.
We need your support to help the children create a wonderful performance of the musical Annie.
Thank you very much 😙
今年度のフェスティブイブ衣装部サポート係を担当することになりましたG1 Somaの母 大畠南波です。
この機会にリサイクルショップに足を運んでみてはいかがですか? もしかすると、ぴったりの衣装や小物に出会えるかもしれません!そして、私を助けてください。あ、これはピッタリだ! というものを見つけられましたら、すぐに購入される前に必ず私・大畠南波までLINEで写真を送ってくださいね。
◆ Scholastic & Baker Books Arrived!
スコラスティック / ベイカーブックス
Scholastic/Baker books order was delivered yesterday and the books were sent home. If you haven’t seen them yet, please ask your kids or check the bags of small children just in case!
The new library books have also arrived! We are very grateful to everyone who has ordered through Book Club and helped us support the school in this way.
昨日スコラスティック/ ベイカーブックスの本が到着し、お子さまに持ち帰っていただきました。お子さまのカバンをご確認ください。ご注文されたにもかかわらずまだお受け取りになられていない方がいらっしゃいましたら、どうぞご連絡ください。
Ms Vが選んでくださった新しい本も沢山届きましたよ!ご注文いただいた皆様からの学校サポートに、心より感謝いたします。
(⬆ Books for the Library)
◆ Halloween Volunteers and Sweet bagging-up ハロウィンイベントのお手伝い と お菓子袋詰め作業お手伝いのお願い
We now have enough volunteers for the day of the Halloween event, Friday, October 29th, to help with the PYP class. We are very happy to see such active participation. Thank you!
And thanks to all who have donated candy for Halloween. Thanks to your generosity, we should have plenty for all the kids. We will be packaging up the candy for Halloween from around 9:00am, 26th of October. Please come along and lend a hand if you have time.
◆◆ Bonfire Night (Detail Plan for this year) and the History of “Bonfire Night” ◆◆
ボンファイア・ナイト (今年版の詳細プラン) とその歴史
As we mentioned in the Crane, we are planning to have Bonfire Night on Friday 5th November, though a simpler version this year due to COVID. We would like to let you know the basic plan including the changes for this year.
◇ Date, Time and Place:
Date: Friday the 5th of November 2021
Time: 17:30- 19:30
Where: the HIS Playground
◇ Food, Eating and the Cost:
- We will not be able to offer a homemade cooked meal or baked goods cooked by parents.
We will prepare pre-ordered bentos, drinks and desserts. The desserts will be included in the participation fee, while bento and drinks will be extra.
- We will not be able to offer the tables and chairs from school / PTA. Each family should prepare their own picnic blanket and eat on this without mixing with other families. (It is okay to use your own picnic chairs and tables.) This is to reduce the risk of infection of mixing whilst not wearing masks for eating.
◇ Cost:
Because we are ordering food, the cost is higher than previous years, if you order a bento.
Basic Participation Fee (Fireworks & Sweets) : TBC
Food (Bento) & Drink : TBC
◇ Parking:
- Parking on the roads around the school is STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED, to avoid upsetting the neighbours. Please use public transportation if at all possible. We will only have space for 15 cars on site plus 25 borrowed spaces at the Nozomi-en nursing home. We will allocate spaces by a lottery from those who apply on the application form, and issue parking permission notices for those selected. Please display these in an easily visible location in your car.
- Apologies for being persistent, but parking on the street is strictly prohibited. In the past, we have caused troubles to our neighbors many times, and we have been reported and received many complaints through the police. If we are not able to maintain good relationships with them, it will affect our future events held at school. So please ensure to follow the rules and manners.
◇ Childminding (PYP Students) until the Start of the Event and Parents’ Arrival Time:
- The PYP students will be supervised by teachers, from the end of school to the time of the start of the event.
- Driving from the centre in the evening overlaps with the rush hour, and the bus lane system is also running, so considerable traffic congestion is expected. Please be careful not to be late for the start of the event by allowing enough time.
- To reduce the risk of infection – parents need to ensure they will be able to get to the school by the time of the start of the event (17:30), as it will not be possible for other families to supervise your children.
◇ The Participation for the Secondary Students and their Eating
- The secondary Students can participate in the event without their parents on site, but they still need to get permission from Mr Rentoule for safety reasons. Mr Rentoule will send out the permission form to all the secondary students, but please remember to apply through family sign-up form as well.
- The secondary students who will join without parents will eat separately and Mr Rentoule will tell them where to go. Everyone else should eat on the same picnic mat with their family.
◇ The Sign-Up Form
The link for the application form for the event, parking etc. will be sent out by Email soon.
◇ What Is Bonfire Night? – the Brief History
Here is an explanation of the history of Bonfire Night, for those who are interested.
➡︎ What Is Bonfire Night? -the Brief History
◆ ボンファイア・ナイト (今年版のイベントの詳細) とその歴史
Crane でお伝えさせておりますように、今年はコロナ状況に配慮した簡易版ではありますが、11月5日 金曜日にボンファイア・ナイトを開催します。今年バージョンの大きな変更点を含めた概要は以下のとおりです。
◇ 日時、場所:
日時:2021年11月5日 (金) 17:30〜19:30
場所:HIS グラウンド
◇ 食事:
- いつもの保護者による手作りの食事・焼き菓子等は提供いたしません。スイーツ代と花火代が必須の参加費に含まれます。お食事代 (お弁当と飲み物) は別途注文可能です(事前注文のみ)。
- 学校、PTAでは椅子やテーブルは用意せず、お食事は各ご家庭で用意していただいたピクニック・マットで必ず家族単位で食べていただきます。(各ご家庭で用意されたピクニックチェアや簡易テーブルをお使いいただくのは自由です) 他のお友達や他の保護者が一緒になってお座りいただくことはできません。マスクを外した状態での会話による感染リスクを避けるためです。
◇ 参加費用:
必須の参加費 (花火とスイーツ代): 詳細はお待ちください
お弁当&飲み物代 (別途、フォームで申し込み): 詳細はお待ちください
◇ 駐車場:
- HIS周りの路上駐車は、近隣にお住まいの方のご迷惑となりますので、厳禁とさせていただきます。公共交通機関をご利用ください。駐車場は、HISグラウンドに15台、お隣の原爆養護老人ホームのぞみ園さんよりお借りする25台分の計40台のみ、参加申し込み時の駐車希望者の中から抽選で選ばせていただきます。抽選に当たった方には駐車許可証を発行いたしますので、駐車時には必ずご掲示ください。
- しつこいようですが、路上駐車は、厳禁です。過去に幾度となく近隣住民の方にご迷惑がかかり、警察を通じて何度も苦情が出ております。良好なご近所関係を継続しなければ今後のイベント開催にも影響してきます。どうぞ皆さま、ルールを守ってご参加いただきますよう、重ねてお願い申し上げます。
◇ チャイルドマインディング (PYP生徒) と保護者の到着時間厳守のお願い:
PYPの生徒さんは、放課後からイベント開始 (17:30)までの時間は先生方の監督のもとで過ごしていただきます。イベント開始の午後5時半に保護者の方がご来校いただけない場合は参加いただけません。(例年のように他の保護者に監督をお願いしていただくことはできません。食事時によるコロナ感染リスクが高まるためです。) 夕方の中心部方面からのお車でのご来校は、通勤ラッシュ時間と重なり、バスレーン・システムも導入されていることから、かなりの渋滞が予想されます。お時間に余裕を持って出発され、イベント開始に遅れないようご注意ください。
◇ セカンダリーの生徒の参加と食事:
- G6以上のセカンダリーの生徒さんは、お子様の安全確認の観点から事前に校長先生から参加許可を取っていただくことで保護者なしでもご参加いただけます。参加許可を取るためのメールは別途校長先生から直接生徒に送られますが、通常の参加申し込みフォームにもセカンダリーのお子様も参加されることを忘れずご記入ください。
- 保護者なしで参加されるセカンダリーの生徒さんのお食事は、校長先生が指定される場所で食べていただきます。ただし、保護者が参加される場合は、生徒さんはどの学年も必ず、ご家族単位のピクニック・シートでご家族と一緒に食事をしてください。
◇ 参加申し込み:
参加申し込みおよび、食事と駐車場の抽選申し込みのためのフォームリンクは、Email にてお知らせいたします。
◇ ボンファイア・ナイト とその歴史について:
That’s all from us this week. Have a lovely autumn break!