ITEMS: Baseball experience for Secondary students; Peace Event; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
I would like to thank everyone involved in the organization of Bonfire Night last week. It was a wonderful event and great to get the school community together after such a long time. We had a spectacular fire as you can see below and we also had some very delicious bentos. It was great to be able to sit on our picnic mats and eat this delicious food watching the fire. There are also some fireworks to finish off the night. As a special treat, Eriko organised a Zoom call with Jackie and Mairi, all the way from Scotland. Jackie, of course, has always played a central role in Bonfire Night. Many thanks to the PTA and in particular, Nigel (parent and teacher) for looking after the fire and Yumiko (parent) for organizing the very delicious bentos.

For this week’s TED Talk, there are some ideas about wellbeing at a broad, national level but the ideas are also relevant to our smaller school context. Enjoy the weekend.
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Secondary Baseball Experience
Our Secondary students (Gr6-9) will be involved in a baseball experience on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, from 12:15-3:15. HIS was contacted by the World Children’s Baseball Foundation (WCBF) to have a baseball clinic for our students in the MYP. The group has done baseball clinics for other international schools and it looks like a great program. Many thanks to Mr Doug (Doug Teter), & Mrs K (Marybeth Kamibeppu) for organizing this opportunity. We may not be Carp in just one afternoon, but students will be able to experience a game that they have seen, but never had the chance to play. We are very grateful to WCBF for the opportunity.
Peace Event at Old Bank of Japan
There is a peace event at the Old Bank of Japan building again this year. Our students participated in this event last year but will not join in person this year as a precautionary measure against COVID. The first day is on November 25th (Thur) and the last day is on the 28th (Sun). There will be a Crane Club exhibition and an event ceremony will be held on the 27th (Sat) at 11:00 am if you would like to attend. This event is organized by Ms Sato, Hibakusha and Peace Activist through the organization Hiroshima Peace Station which has provided so many great opportunities for our students in the past. Please find more information here:
PTA News
- Bonfire Night ボンファイア・ナイト
- Halloween decoration clean up ハロウィン飾りつけの片付け
◆ Bonfire Night ボンファイア・ナイト
Last Friday (November 5th), we held Bonfire Night successfully, although in a reduced version. Although we couldn’t have all the attractions of past years, We hope you could get a feel for British culture and tradition through the event. Seeing everyone relaxing around the fire and, above all, the bright smiles of the children for the first time in two years, we were reminded of the real meaning of the Bonfire Night event at HIS. It was made possible by Mr Barker and his wife Yumiko-san, who led setting up the bonfire, managing application-related matters, preparing delicious food boxes (Number 8) and the very popular dessert (handmade by Yumiko-san !!). We also heard that their son Ren in G8 helped behind the scenes. On the day of the event, G11 students helped to set up the bonfire and distributed bento boxes and desserts. Thank you all for your cooperation.
Mr Rentoule, thought through all the details to make the event COVID safe and organised the time from the end of school to the start of the event, providing activities to children. In addition to this, the faculty staff arranged parking lots and distributed bento boxes, and parents helped with the parking lot management. We’re really grateful to you all. Thank you to everyone who participated for your cooperation about the reduced parking, and for your inconvenience for the COVID-safe eating arrangements. We hope that next year, COVID will be finished and the original Bonfire Night will be back!
先週金曜日(11/5)、縮小版ながら無事にボンファイア・ナイトを開催することができました。縮小版ながらも行事を通して、イギリスの文化や伝統に少しでも触れていただくことができたのではないでしょうか? 火を囲んでくつろがれる皆さまのお姿、そして何よりも子供たちの輝く笑顔を二年ぶりに見て、このHIS で行うボンファイア・ナイトという行事の持つ意味を改めて実感しました。それを可能にしてくださったのは、キャンプファイヤー設営から申し込み関連の管理まで多くを率いてくださったセカンダリーの先生 Mr Barker と、美味しいお弁当(Number8さん)の段取りと大人気のデザート (すべて手作り!! ) をご用意してくださった Mr Barkerの奥さま Yumikoさんのおかげにほかなりません。(お二人の息子さんG8のRenくんの舞台裏でのお手伝いがあったことも聞いております ) また当日は、G11 の生徒の皆さんがボンファイアの設置からお弁当・デザートの配布までたくさん協力してくださいました。全ての細部にわたる相談から段取りまで一緒に考えてくださった Rentoule校長先生、学校終了後から行事が始まるまでの時間、子供たちにアクティビティーの提供、駐車場の手配やお弁当の配布などをお手伝いくださった教職員の皆さま、駐車場管理のお手伝いをしてくだった保護者の方々、などなどこの他にも本当にたくんの皆さまがご協力くださいました。本当にありがとうございました。そしてご参加くださいました皆さまには、お車の駐車や、お食事をする際のご不自由(コロナ対応)にご協力いただきましたこと、心より感謝しております。 来年はコロナの事も終息し、本来のBonefire Nightが開催できることを願っています。
◆ Halloween decoration clean up ハロウィン飾り付けの片付け
Thank you to everyone who helped tidy up the Halloween decorations on Monday, November 1st. We are very happy to see everyone willing to help us