ITEMS: PTA Message; Lots of Festive Eve videos; HIS Baseball Video; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
We have just seen a wonderful Festive Eve performance including the Primary dance, Secondary Orchestra, and the Annie performance, of which you can see some footage below. You will also be able to see a professional recording of Annie thanks to the kind generosity of the Sonoda Family. The live stream cut off at two hours so my apologies for those at home who did not see the end of the show. We will send the link to the recording as soon as it is available.

I would like to say three things about the performance. Firstly, congratulation to all of our students involved for being risk-takers not only for putting in your time and energy but also for opening yourself up to the uncertainty that goes with any performance. Ultimately, we never know how it will go on the day. It is always a risk, but with forethought and preparation you have faced this particular risk courageously and the result is not only a great performance, but you have learnt something very important about yourself and your relationship with risk – despite the uncertainty, you can make things work with forethought and preparation. Secondly, many thanks to the supporting adults. Many parents worked tirelessly on costumes. Also, thanks to the staff (especially Takako sensei and Mrs K.) for supporting the students through the whole process. Lastly, I would like to remind us all of the value of performance itself for us and our society and TED speaker, Wanuri Kahiu, has some great insights into the value of performance for us all. Enjoy the weekend.
Kind regards
Crane Videos – a special Festive Eve Edition
HIS Baseball Video
This video is from the baseball day that you would have seen in the Crane. As you can see, it was a great experience for our students.
PTA Message
Main Point 今週の要点
- Festive Eve “Annie” Costume フェスティブ・イブ アニーの衣装
- Christmas sweets bagging work (Tue, Dec 14) クリスマスお菓子袋詰め作業 (12/14 火)
- Scholastic / Baker Books Arrived! スコラスティック / ベイカーブックス
◆ Festive Eve “Annie” Costume フェスティブ・イブ アニーの衣装
Annie the Musical was staged spectacularly, and at the curtain call it was great to see the sense of achievement in the shining smiles of the children who worked in many areas! The annual Festive Eve musical isn’t just fun, it’s an educational opportunity where children play a central role, collaborating closely with each other to create the performance in a short period of time. It’s a really great experience to go through.
It is difficult for the students responsible for costumes and props to prepare them on their own because there are so many things needed, and so the cooperation of parents every year is indispensable. Again this year, many people donated their clothes and accessories, thank you so much. We would also like to express our gratitude to all the parents who spent a lot of their valuable time in a wide range of preparation, from making costumes and accessories from fabric, ironing, and helping the cast in changing clothes etc.
On everyone’s behalf, I would also like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to G1 Soma’s mum, Ms Nami Ohata, who worked hard 24/7 to prepare the costumes as the “Costume Department Guardian Angel”. Thank you so much!
ミュージカルAnnieが無事に上演され、カーテンコールではそれぞれの分野で頑張った子供たちのやり切った達成感でキラキラと輝く笑顔が本当にステキでしたね! 毎年恒例のフェスティブ・イブのミュージカルは、子供たちが主体となって各分野が密に協力しあい、短期間で作品を作り上げる行事で、子供たちの成長を手に取るように感じられる教育的観点から見ても本当に素晴らしいイベントです。
そして、この場を借りまして『衣装部の保護者部長』として休む間もなく衣装準備にご尽力くださいましたG1 Somaくんのお母さま、大畠南波さんに、あらためて心からの感謝の気持ちをお伝えさせていただきます。本当にありがとうございました。
◆ Christmas sweets bagging work (Tue, Dec 14) クリスマスお菓子袋詰め作業 (12/14 火)
This coming week, before winter vacation it’s time for “Santa’s Visit” where Santa Claus distributes sweets to the children. The candy bagging work will be done from 9 am on Tuesday, December 14th. We would be grateful if you could help us. Thank you.
冬休み前の週にSanta Visitとしてサンタクロースが子供たちにお菓子を配ります。そのお菓子の袋詰め作業を12月14日(火) 午前9時から行います。お手伝いいだけますと助かります。よろしくお願いいたします。
◆ Scholastic / Baker Books Arrived! スコラスティック / ベイカーブックス
Scholastic/Baker book orders were delivered and the books were sent home yesterday. If you haven’t seen them yet, please ask your kids or check the bags of small children just in case!
This time we have received $35 worth of rewards to be able to purchase new books for the school library. We are very grateful to everyone who has ordered through Book Club and helped us support the school in this way.
For those who didn’t manage to order in time this time, please look out for our next Book Club!
昨日スコラスティック/ ベイカーブックスご注文の本が到着し、お子さまに持ち帰っていただきましたのでご確認ください。ご注文されたにもかかわらずまだお受け取りになられていない方がいらっしゃいましたら、どうぞご連絡ください。
That’s all for this week! Have a lovely and long weekend! 今週のお知らせは以上です。月曜日もお休みです。お間違えのございませんように…