ITEMS: Primary (Gr5) Graduation; Primary (Gr4/5) & Secondary (Gr6-12) Camp; Book Trailer Awards; PTA Message.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
We have the Gr11 students presenting the Theory of Knowledge Exhibition this afternoon followed by a student-led Charity Concert supporting the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. I would like to congratulate all of the students involved and you can look forward to seeing some images in next week’s Crane video. This week, we also have the second in the Diploma Program Music Recital series featuring Sean (Gr11) which you can see below. Enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Grade 5 Graduation
The Gr5 Graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 15 (4:00 pm – 5:00 pm) at HIS. We are looking forward to the ceremony to celebrate this wonderful milestone with our Gr5 class.
Gr4-12 Camp in Shimane (21-23 June)
Dear Gr4-12 Parents
We will be taking Gr4 to Gr12 to Camp in June this year in the last week of school. The Gr4/5 Camp and the Secondary Camp usually run separately so this is the first time we are all going together and are very excited about the trip, especially after we did not run a camp last year. These outdoor educational experiences are very important in terms of learning within a new, unfamiliar environment, and are also extremely useful for developing and extending social relationships. They are also lots of fun, even within the challenges presented by a camp. Here are some initial details for the trip:
- Date: Tuesday 21st – Thursday 23rd June
- Travel: A bus will depart HIS on Tuesday morning at 9:00 am and return on Thursday by 3:20 pm.
- Accommodation: Students will stay in rooms with a few other students. (No tents or sleeping bags, but we still call it a camp.)
- Location: National Sanbe Youth Friendship Centre, Shimane Prefecture. As you can see in the aerial image on this webpage, the Centre is very large and self-contained, right at the base of Mt Sanbe which we will be hiking up.
- Food: A cafeteria is used for all meals.
- Cost: As this is a national facility, the price is quite low so most of the cost is associated with the transport. We will let you know soon.
- A note about COVID: We are of course keeping an eye on the COVID situation and will have a number of procedures in place to maintain a relatively COVID-safe environment. The facility also has a number of procedures that we will need to follow. At this stage, one of the most significant considerations is if a student were to get cold/flu-like symptoms during the trip. In this case, we would require a parent to travel to the venue in Shimane to pick up their child so we would need to ask all parents to be ready, just in case. This is always the case in camps but is particularly important within the current COVID environment.
The Gr4/5 students and the Secondary students will have a different program although there will be a number of activities that we do together. There are great facilities including large gym spaces and underground corridors to use in case of poor weather. We are in the planning stage now and will send out more information in the near future regarding the program, including permission forms, COVID-related procedures and a list of things to bring.
Book Trailer Awards
Many HIS students created a book trailer this school year. A book trailer is like a movie trailer for books. Students use their reading comprehension skills, IT skills, and creativity to create a video that makes viewers want to read a book. Congratulations to the following students who have won awards for their outstanding work at the Book Film Festival. You can watch their award-winning book trailers here.
Tottori Prefecture Special Awards
- Natsuki (Gr5) & Soma (Gr4)
Middle school age and under division
- Grand Prize: Hinato (Gr9)
- Second Place Awards: Mahiro (Gr7), Iroha (Gr8)
- Third Place Awards: Koto (Gr7)
High school division
- First Place Award: Taishi (Gr10)
- Third Place Awards: Jundai (Gr10)
International division
- First Place Award: Mei (Gr10)
- Third Place Award: Kento (Gr10)
PTA News
- WELCOME to our new families ようこそ −新しくHISにご入学のご家族の皆さまへ
- PTA communication methods; PTAからのお知らせ方法
- Hoodies Order (Deadline: Extended!Sunday 10th Apr) フーディー注文 締切 4月10日(日)まで延長!
- Scholastic/Baker Book Club Order – Placed スコラスティック / ベイカー ブッククラブ オーダー 注文手続き完了
◆ WELCOME to our new families ようこそ −新しくHISにご入学のご家族の皆さまへ
First off we would like to welcome any new families that have joined our community from the start of the new Japanese school year in April. If you have any questions about life at HIS or how things work here, please don’t hesitate to approach any of the PTA team, some of whom can generally be found in the genkan most mornings, or e-mail us at any time. We wish you a successful and happy time as part of the HIS family!
日本の学校の節目であるこの4月からご入学の皆さま、HISへようこそ! HISのことでご質問がありましたら、なんでもお気軽にPTA役員にご連絡くださいね。一部のPTAメンバーにはほぼ毎朝、学校の玄関でお会いできるかと思います。もしくは、PTAメール にいつでもご連絡くださいね。HISでの学校生活が素晴らしいものになりますことをお祈りしております!
◆ PTA communication methods PTAからのお知らせ方法
Most of you may know, but just as a reminder:
Information from PTA is mainly sent by the PTA message in The Crane issued by the principal every Friday, but we also use LINE as a supplement to share information with everyone at any time. (There is also a PTA & community group on Facebook) The LINE group for HIS parents includes an overall English group and overall Japanese group, groups for each PYP class, and the Secondary LINE group. Participation is not compulsory, but you can use it for reminders, urgent notices, and for exchanging information with everyone. It is useful as a casual contact tool. If you haven’t participated yet, please take this opportunity to consider it.
Posting in the LINE group is not limited to PTA committee members. Please use it for any questions or information exchange.
Please read the (Link) ➡︎【 The Guidelines on how to use HIS LINE Groups 】 for how to use this LINE group.
If you haven’t joined yet and would like to participate, please ask someone in the Group to invite you or contact the PTA committee email ( When you join, please introduce yourself briefly.
PTAからのお知らせは、主に毎週金曜日に校長先生より発行されるThe CraneでのPTAメッセージでお伝えしますが、補助的にLINEを使い随時皆さまに情報を共有しております。( Facebook のPTA&コミュニティーグループも存在します) HIS保護者のためのLINEグループには全体の英語グループと日本語グループ、PYP各クラスのLINEグループ、Secondary LINEグループがあります。参加は強制ではありませんが、リマインダーや緊急のお知らせに使用したり、皆さまの情報交換などにお気軽にご利用いただけます。連絡の取りやすさから気軽な連絡ツールとして重宝しております。まだご参加されていない方はこの機会にどうぞご検討くださいね。
このLINEグループの使い方に関して (リンク)➡︎【 HIS LINE グループの使い方のお願い 】 にまとめてありますので、ぜひご一読ください。
もしまだ入られていない方で参加ご希望の方は、グループメンバーに招待してもらうか、PTA役員までメール ( でご連絡ください。参加されましたら、簡単な自己紹介をお願いいたします。
◆ Hoodies Order – Deadline extended until April 10 (Sun)
フーディー注文 締切4月10日(日)まで延長
The deadline for this order was April 08 (Friday), but it will be extended to April 10 (Sunday) including the weekend. We think they will be useful for Sports Day at the end of this month and Camp in June.
We are planning to distribute the hoodies on the week of April 25th, before the Golden Week holidays.
Please specify the name, grade, amount and number of hoodies ordered on the envelope and hand it to the office. Please note that delivery will be after the payment is received.
今月末や6月に予定されていますSports DayやCampなどにもご活用いただけるかと思います。
* As stated in the Google Form, please be sure to proceed to click the final “SUBMIT” to complete your order.
注)Google Formの中にも記載していますが、ご注文の完了には必ず最後の『SUBMIT』まで進んでいただきますようお願いします。
The Link /リンク ➡︎ Order Hoodies HERE! / ご注文はこちらから
◆ Scholastic/Baker Book Club Order スコラスティック/ベイカー ブッククラブ 注文手続き完了
Thank you to everyone who ordered from our Scholastic/Baker Book Club. We could earn $60 for our school library in Scholastic Rewards this time. We are very grateful to everyone who has helped us support the school in this way.
We will let you know as soon as your books arrive.
That’s all for this week, please enjoy the lovely weather over the weekend!