ITEMS: Emotional Support Animal Reading; PTA Message.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
In today’s Crane video you can see some images of the Gr4/5 class in action working on the Primary Years Program (PYP) Exhibition. We recently featured the Middle Years Program (MYP) Personal Project Exhibition and the Diploma Program (DP) Theory of Knowledge Exhibition so you can see that this idea of personal inquiry leading to an interactive presentation of learning is an essential part of all of our IB programs. We hope to see many of you at the PYP Exhibition on Thursday, 12 May. Keep an eye on the Crane for more details.
I would like to thank Mr Sheehy (Former HIS MYP and DP Language and Literature teacher) who is now working in the UK for sending a box of paper cranes from his current class to our HIS Crane Club. Our students were very happy to receive the cranes from their former teacher on the other side of the world.

I would also like to welcome Bas Klein from the Netherlands to our HIS team. Bas is a Teaching Assistant in the Primary and is also working in the library. It is great to have you with us!

This week’s TED Talk by Kevin Kelly is related to our recent Theory of Knowledge Exhibition where we heard students’ findings after their explorations into the nature of knowledge in their selected areas. I thought that this talk was a good example of how we can critically examine the nature of the knowledge we are generating by considering perspectives. This is an extremely important aspect of all our IB programs. On Saturday evening, is your weekend half full or half empty? Regardless, enjoy the weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Emotional Support Animal Reading
We are doing PYPX and we want to tell you about our action. Our topic is abandoned pets and emotional-support animals. We hope HIS students learn about emotional-support animals. Our action is making a poster and asking people to donate money to buy a book about emotional-support animals and we would like to put that book in the school library. Here is the link for the book. We heard of this book from Ms B. (Barnfather)

PTA Message
◆ Delivery of HIS Hoodie order HISフーディご注文者へのお受け渡し
Next week, we will hand over the HIS hoodie orders to your children.
(We will give it out by Wednesday, the day before Sports Day)
If you have placed an order and have not paid for it yet, please specify the name, grade, amount and number of items on the envelope with the money and hand it into the office. Please note that items will be delivered after the payment is received.
◆ Drink sales on Sports Day スポーツデーでの飲み物販売
Drinks will be on sale next Thursday (4/28) at HIS Sports Day at the Balcom BMW Hiroshima Grand (formerly Coca-Cola Stadium). The selling prices are 100 yen and 200 yen. We cannot accept high-value bills of 10,000 yen or 5,000 yen, so please bring coins. Please note that the number of items available is limited.
Drinks to be sold:
- Water 100 yen
- Barley Tea 100 yen
- Perrier 200 yen
- Pouch-type drinks (Aquarius, KIRIN Salty Litchi, Calpis Water) 100 yen
来週木曜日 (4/28) に観音のBalcom BMW 広島グランド (旧コカ・コーラ スタジアム) で行われるHISのスポーツデーで、飲み物を販売いたします。販売価格は100円、200円です。一万円札、五千円札の高額紙幣は受け付けできませんので、小銭をご用意ください。なお、販売数には限りがありますことをご了承くださいませ。
- お水 100円
- 麦茶 100円
- ペリエ 200円
- パウチタイプのドリンク (アクエリアス・KIRIN ソルティライチ・カルピスウォーター) 各100円
◆ Scholastic / Baker Books Arrived! スコラスティック / ベイカーブックス
Scholastic/Baker books order was delivered and the books were sent home yesterday. If you haven’t seen them yet, please ask your kids or check the bags of small children just in case!
昨日(木曜日)スコラスティック/ ベイカーブックスご注文の本が到着し、お子さまに持ち帰っていただきましたのでご確認ください。ご注文されたにもかかわらずまだお受け取りになられていない方がいらっしゃいましたら、どうぞご連絡ください。
That’s all from us this week. Have a lovely weekend!