The Crane, 13 May 2022

ITEMS: HIS Idol; Arts Gala-Spring Concert; Summer Program 2022; Alumni Panel; Peace Ride T-shirt; Grade 6 Speaker; Masks; PTA News.

Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

I would like to congratulate all of our Gr4/5 students for a wonderful PYP Exhibition on Thursday afternoon. The PYP Exhibition is the culminating inquiry project for the Primary Years Program and the students have been using all of their skills to pursue an independent inquiry on a topic of interest. The Gr4 students do a modified version as they prepare for the final version in Gr5. We are very proud of you all for all of the collaboration and problem solving along the way as you explored your formed questions, pursued understanding and initiated action. Well done!

Many thanks to everyone who has been involved in HIS Idol, especially Jackie & Nami our parent team who have been in the driver’s seat, as well as Hinano and Marika, our student hosts who have done great work. Many people have been working very hard for a long time to prepare for the event. It has been a great experience for all of our young performers and I would like to congratulate you all on those great performances. We are all excited to see the presentations on Sunday evening (information below). Enjoy your weekend.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule

Crane Video

HIS Idol

HIS IDOL AWARDS SHOW – Sun MAY 15th 7 pm ~

The HIS IDOL 2022 results will be announced live online this coming Sunday Evening from 7pm. We hope that not only families who have kids who entered, but the whole community will tune in to support all the students who took part. There might be a few special guests and a few surprises for the whole community during our awards programme! Don’t miss it!

Just click this link a little before 7 pm to be let into the zoom meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting

The online voting battle has been fierce with some pretty organised campaigns going on. You can still influence the outcome until midnight tonight, Friday, May 13th, by “liking” your favourite acts on YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram, or filling out this voting form as many times as you like:

Here is the YouTube playlist with all of the performances in case you haven’t seen them all yet:

Thank you so much to all who have taken part, and supported this community event. Especially to Marika and Hinano, who have been excellent virtual hosts.

We hope we can bring you the live version of HIS IDOL next year after the Covid situation has calmed down.

Arts Gala: Spring Concert 2022

  • Friday 20th May 14:15-15:00 (Secondary)
  • Saturday, 21st May 9:45-10:30 (Primary)
  • At Hiroshima International School

Summer Program 2022 

This summer, HIS will hold an intensive language program for students grades EC to G6 who require, or could benefit from, additional English language support. 


The summer program will use an inquiry-based approach that explores various subject areas including art and social studies. We will cover speaking, listening, writing, reading and UOI technical vocabulary skills. Finally, the summer program will combine formal academic teaching activities and creative activities to enhance English language enjoyment and skills. 

楽しみながら英語のスキルを高めるために、アカデミックな活動と、創造力を使った楽しい活動を共同して行います。 スピーキング、リスニング、ライティング、リーディングに力を入れながら、ソーシャルスタディでよく使われる単語なども学習していきます。

To participate in this program, please fill the HIS Summer Program Application Form and hand it to Ms Hirata at HIS office or email her ( by Friday, June 17th  2022. 

このプログラムに参加するには、HIS Summer ProgramApplication Formに記入し、6月17日(金)までにHISオフィスの平田に手渡して頂くが、または(までメールで送信してください。

Thank you!

Ryoko Jordan

Alumni Panel

The next Alumni Panel is coming on May 25th. Don’t miss out!

Zoom Link

Peace Ride T-shirt Sales

Thank you to everyone who purchased a Peace Ride T-shirt. We were able to raise enough to donate a charity bicycle through

T-shirts sold: 44
Amount raised: JPY 35,057 (approx. GBP 222.47)
Amount donated: GBP 250 (one bicycle)

Thank you once again to the Kajihara family for facilitating this fundraising opportunity.

Nigel Barker
on behalf of the Peace Riders

Gr6 Guest Speaker

Masks & Health Regulations

This is just a reminder that masks need to be worn properly at school (i.e. covering the mouth and nose) and it helps us out if when wearing masks when the family is together that parents reinforce this. It can be difficult for children to adjust to wearing masks properly at school when this is not reinforced at home. On a related topic, masks do not need to be worn when participating in physical activities and as the weather warms, this is especially important. This can also be a useful message to reinforce at home. Many thanks for your support.

PTA Message


The PTA plans to continue our tradition of providing lunch for the teachers and staff of HIS, as a way of showing our appreciation for their efforts for our kids throughout the school year. 

Like last year, we would like to ask parents to make cash donations towards the cost of the lunch, rather than donations of food. As a guide, donations of ¥500 (or more if you are feeling particularly appreciative!) are suggested. Please send your preferred amount in an envelope marked “PTA LUNCH” and your name to the office. (If you wish, you can make it anonymous)

**Please note that because of the Covid situation we are unable to accept donations of homemade food or other items this year. Details, including the schedule, will be announced later.

PTAでは一年間お世話になった教職員の皆さまへの感謝をお伝えする機会として、今年もTeacher’s appreciation lunch を行いたいと思います。つきましては昨年同様、皆さまに1口500円からご寄付をお願いしたいと思っております。(これより多いのももちろん歓迎です😊 ) 封筒に『PTA LUNCH』とお名前を書いてオフィスまでご提出ください (ご希望の方は匿名でも構いません)。今年もコロナ禍の状況によりお金以外の寄付は受け付けできませんので、その点どうかご了承くださいませ。日程などの詳細は、決まり次第お知らせいたします。

◆ NEXT PTA MEETING :  Friday June 3rd, 10:15am 次回PTAミーティング: 6/3(金) 10:15am

The last PTA meeting of this school year will be scheduled for Friday, June 3rd, 2022. The starting time will be from 10:15 am soon after the PYP explanation session on the same day. For those who have difficulty coming to school, you can join us via Zoom, so don’t forget to keep this day open. We will let you know of the venue and Zoom invitation link later.

今年度最後のPTAミーティングを、2022年6月3日(金) に行いたいと思います。時間は同日に行われるPYP の説明会の終了後、午前10時15分より行います。来校が難しい方のために、Zoomでも繋げて開催したいと思いますので、忘れずにこの日を空けておいてくださいね。開催場所やZoom の招待リンク等は追ってお知らせいたします。

At the moment the meeting agenda includes:

  • Teacher appreciation plans
  • Treasurer’s report for the school year
  • A brief review and reflection on the year.

If you have anything you would like to add to the agenda, please let us know 3 days in advance by Email ( )  etc.


  • 先生方へのTeacher appreciation 計画
  • 今年度の会計報告
  • 今年度の活動報告・振り返り

他に議題に加えてほしいことなどありましたら、開催の3日前までにメール ( ) 等でお知らせください。

◆ PTA Committee Member for the next school year 来年度のPTA役員

早いもので今年度も終わりに差し掛かり、来年度について考える時期になりました。2022-2023年度のPTA役員になることに興味がある方がいらっしゃいましたら、PTA役員まで直接お話くださるか、メール ( ) 等でご連絡くださいね。

​​​​​​​​Time flies and the end of this year is approaching, and we should think about the next school year. If you are interested in becoming a PTA committee member for 2022-2023, please talk to us directly or contact us by e-mail ( etc.

That’s all for this week’s announcement. The voting deadline for HIS IDOL is tonight. Please don’t forget to “like” all your favourites. 

From tomorrow, it seems we will be back to sunny days for the first time in a while. Have a nice weekend.

今週のお知らせは以上です。HIS IDOL の投票締め切りは今晩です。皆さまの『いいね!』を忘れずにしてあげてくださいね。
