The Crane, 20 May 2022

ITEMS: Arts Gala; PTA News.

Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

Congratulations to all of the performers in the Secondary Concert held this afternoon. These performances are the result of a lot of hard work and commitment over an extended period of time and we are very proud of all of our musicians! Also thank you to Takako sensei who so fearlessly leads the students into that daunting uncertainty of getting up on stage.

It was a wonderful start to the Arts Gala and you can also see the Secondary students visual artworks on display in the virtual gallery which can be accessed here. below. Tomorrow, we look forward to the Primary Concert.

We also had an awards ceremony today for the HIS Idol and I would like to thank Jackie and Nami for all of their work on that great event which was an excellent lead-up to the Spring Concert.

When we start talking about the Spring Concert, we know the end of year is fast approaching and this is always a busy time. For this reason, I thought that this TED Talk raises some interesting points for us to consider. Enjoy some less-busy time on the weekend.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule

Crane Video

Arts Gala (Secondary Visual Arts)

Dear secondary parents, (日本語は英語の下にあります)
As a part of the Arts Gala 2022, I would like to invite you to the HIS secondary visual arts virtual exhibition. All the secondary visual arts students have been enjoying their creative journey and you will be able to witness their growth through their artworks. Although I could not include works by Grade 11 and Grade 12 students as they will be submitting their works to the IB officially, artworks by students in Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are exhibited. This year, it will be held virtually by using the online exhibition space. I have explained how to use the system in class so please ask your child if you have difficulty navigating the virtual space. The link to the virtual exhibition space can be found in the flyer attached.  I hope you all enjoy!
Sincerely, Ms K (Ayako Kurokawa) Secondary Visual Arts teacher

今年もArts Galaの一環としまして、HISセカンダリー美術作品展を開催いたします。今年度も生徒たちの力作が揃いましたのでお楽しみ下さい。11年生及び12年生の作品はIBへの正式な提出作品のため、今回の展示には含まれておりません。ご理解のほど、宜しくお願い致します。尚、展示はバーチャルな展示会場での開催となります。こちらのスペースの使い方が分からない場合は、お子様にお聞きください(授業で展示の見方を伝えてあります)。バーチャルスペースへのアクセスは添付資料をご覧下さい。どうぞお楽しみ下さい!

黒川 礼子セカンダリー美術

PTA News


Did you enjoy the HIS IDOL Competition on Zoom last Sunday? The HIS IDOL awards ceremony was held today before lunch. Although HIS IDOL is a school-sponsored event, this year’s HIS IDOL was held online as it was last year. Everyone knows Jackie Ikegami (mother of Mairi who graduated in May 2021). Jackie played a central role in supporting the arrangements of HIS IDOL in previous years. She generously organised HIS IDOL with Nami Ohata (G1 Soma’s mother) for HIS children again this year. We would like to thank Jackie and Nami for their wonderful work. Thank you for your willingness to make an effort so our children can have a great time.

We would like to express our gratitude to Jackie by sending her a present from the PTA.

先週日曜日にZoomで行われたHIS IDOLの本戦はお楽しみになりましたか? 本日金曜日のランチ前の時間にHIS IDOLの表彰式が行われました。HIS IDOLは学校主催のイベントではありますが、今年のHIS IDOLも昨年に引き続きオンライン開催となったことから、皆さまご存知のJackie Ikegamiさん (昨年2021年5月に卒業されたMairi さんのお母様。Mairiさんが在校中はJackieさんが中心になってHIS IDOLの開催を支えてくださいました) がHISの子供たちのためにNami Ohataさん (G1 Soma くんのお母様)と一緒にHIS IDOLの開催を一からサポートしてくださいました。あらためてJackieさん、Namiさんに感謝申し上げます。子供たちの楽しい時間作りに快く貢献してくださり、ありがとうございました。


NEXT PTA MEETING :  Friday June 3rd, 10:15am 次回PTAミーティング: 6/3(金) 10:15am

  • Voting to be held. 投票実施のお知らせ

As we announced last week, we will hold a PTA meeting from 10:15 on June 3rd (Friday). You can also connect with Zoom, so please join us either way. At this meeting, we will vote on four financial support items (shown below) that the school has requested from the PTA. Based on the PTA rules, expenditures of 50,000 yen or less can be decided by voting at the PTA meeting if notified sufficiently in advance

For reference, the current PTA account balance is 1,604,511 yen.

先週もお知らせしましたように、6月3日(金) 10時15分よりPTAミーティングを行います。Zoomでも繋げますので、皆さまぜひご参加ください。またこのミーティングで、学校よりPTA へ以下の四点について資金のサポートの要望がありましたので当日是非の投票を行います。PTA規約に基づき、5万円以下の支出につきましては時間の余裕を持って事前に通知されたPTAミーティングでの投票により決定することができます。ご参考までに、現在のPTA口座の残高は​​1,604,511円です。

  1. ​​​​Playground equipment  休憩時外遊び用の遊具- 20,000 yen
  2. Contribution to the new fence (near the climbing equipment) separating the playground from the car park  遊具エリアと駐車場を仕切るフェンス設置のための補助 – 50,000 yen
  3. Soccer equipment for a new after school club アフタースクール・クラブのためのサッカー用品 -30,000 yen
  4. Soft Hockey equipment for PE class (Like ice hockey but for a gym floor) PEの授業用のソフト・ホッケー用品 -30,000 yen

Other agenda items include the Teacher’s Appreciation Lunch, a review of this year, and accounting reports. If you have any other questions/items, please let us know by e-mail ( at least 3 days before the event.

この他の議題は、Teacher’s Appreciation Lunch、今年度の振り返り、会計報告などです。他に話し合ってほしいことなどありましたら、開催の3日前までにメール ( ) 等でお知らせください。


The Teacher’s Appreciation Lunch that we announced last week has been decided for Friday, June 24th, the last day of this school year. We will continue to accept donations for this lunch of 500 yen or upwards (more is welcome 😊). Please write your name and “PTA LUNCH” on the envelope and submit it to the office (if you wish, you can submit it anonymously). As we mentioned, please note that donations will be limited to money, the same as last year. Thank you for your cooperation.

先週お伝えしたTeacher’s Appreciation Lunch は、今年度最終日6月24日金曜日に決まりました。このランチへのご寄付を1口500円 (多いのも大歓迎😊) を引き続き受け付けております。封筒に『PTA LUNCH』とお名前を書いてオフィスまでご提出ください (ご希望の方は匿名でも構いません)。今年も皆さまからのご寄付はお金に限定させていただきますので、どうぞご了承ください。皆さま、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

◆ PTA Committee Member for the next school year 来年度のPTA役員

2022-2023年度のPTA役員になることにご興味がある方がいらっしゃいましたら、PTA役員まで直接お話くださるか、メール ( ) 等でご連絡ください。HISが子供たちにとってより楽しい場所になるよう、ぜひ皆さまのお力をお貸しくださいね。

​​​​​​​​Time flies and the end of this year is approaching, and we should think about the next school year. If you are interested in becoming a PTA committee member for 2022-2023, please talk to us directly or contact us by e-mail ( etc.

We look forward to your help in making HIS an even more enjoyable place for our children.