The Crane, 8 September 2017


  • Coffee Evening;
  • Supporting Japanese at Home Workshop;
  • Secondary Student Trips;
  • Secondary Subject Group Overviews;
  • Resources from Secondary Parent Information Night;
  • Comenius College Partnership;
  • After School Care Program;
  • Monday is photo day.

Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Families

Thank you all for attending last night’s Parent Information Night. It was great to see you here and we look forward to a very successful year, working together to support the learning of your children. We will have a relatively quiet school next week with secondary students out at either the Netherlands trip or at the Secondary Camp. If your child is going on one of these, please make sure they read their packing lists very carefully. Your children are becoming more independent learners, but they may need some help gathering necessary items. There are some hints on today’s Crane video.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule (Principal)

Crane Video

PTA News

1. Main events planned for this year  (tentative schedule) :
 * Halloween (October  27)
  •    Location: HIS (for PYP)
  •    Time: Afternoon during school hours
 * Bonfire Night (November 2018)
 * Skate Day(January 2018)
 * Ski Day (February 2018)
 * Festival (April 2018)
2. Last year, the Friday “bento” (lunch box) service was run by the PTA. Unfortunately, because of a lack of volunteers, the task became unmanageable for the small group of parents involved.  Currently the PTA and the school are exploring a possible future “bento” service; however, at this time there is no bento service.  We will update any changes to this and we are very open to suggestions and your help with a solution.
3. Last year, HIS established a Student Council. This year the PTA hopes to establish a “Room Parent” system as well.  As HIS is a small community, parent volunteers are vital to helping keep various activities and events running.  The PTA wants to emphasize that you need not be at the school during school hours to help out, there are things that can be done from home.  We are hoping to use the room parent system to help connect more families to the school.  Our goal is to have two parents for each class.
Please take a look at the attached file and let us know if you are interested in learning more.
4. Our first PTA Meeting will be held on September 13 (Wednesday).
The meeting will be held in both English and Japanese.  All parents are encouraged to join. 
  • Location: HIS (Conference room )
  • Time: 9:00 – 11:00
* 2017-18 event schedule.
* Upcoming events planning:
  Bonfire Night
If you have any questions, please email to PTA:
* ハロウィン 10月27日(金曜日)
場所 : 学校 (PYP向け)
                            時間 : 午後(バスが出発するまで)
*ボンファイアナイト 11月
*スケートデー 1月
*スキーデー 2月
*フェスティバル 4月


場所:学校 (カンファレンスルーム)
議題: *年間スケジュール

Coffee Evening

On Friday 29 September we will be hosting a Parent Coffee evening. Our regular place at Tully’s is booked, so we will confirm when an alternate location is found. If you have a suggestion, please let me know. We would like the events to be as accessible as possible. The topic will be Supporting Learning at Home.

Supporting Japanese at Home workshop

Thank you for attending the Japanese Department workshop at Parent Information Evening. We hope that you found the workshop informative and worthwhile. We appreciate that many parents who were not able to attend the face-to-face meeting are keen to contribute their feedback towards Japanese language teaching and learning at HIS. Please find a link below to the online surveys available in both English and Japanese. English version of handouts will be attached on The Crane next week.

Japanese Department Online Survey

Parent Information Eveningで開催した日本語科ワークショップに参加して頂きありがとうございました。参加する事ができなかった保護者の方々からも強い興味を示して頂き大変感謝しております。下記にワークショップで使用したスライドとお配りしたプリントのリンクを貼らせて頂きますのでご参照下さい。また、ワークショップに参加できなかった保護者の方々に関しましても、HISでの日本語の指導と学習に関して皆さまの貴重な御意見をぜひいただけたらと願っています。つきましては、以下のリンクより英語または日本語のオンラインアンケートにご協力頂けますようお願い致します。

Secondary Items

Secondary Curriculum Documents

Subject Group Overviews, the curriculum documentation for Grades 6-10 are now available on the Secondary page of the HIS website. The documents provide comprehensive overviews of the skills and content taught in each course throughout the Middle Years Program. If you have questions about curriculum documentation, please contact Ms Annie Levasseur, MYP coordinator, or Ms Pechhold. You can link to the curriculum documents here.

Parent Information Night: Secondary Program

If you were not able to attend this week’s parent information night, the homeroom presentation for Grades 6-10 and the Parent Information Pack are available on the Secondary page of the HIS website. If you have questions about the presentation or Parent Information Pack, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher or Ms Pechhold. You can find the documents from Parent Information Night here.

Comenius College Partnership

This Wednesday, 13 September, 9 students from HIS will travel to the Netherlands as part of our exchange program with Comenius College, near Rotterdam. The students will spend the week exploring research questions they have developed based on their interest and courses. Many students will be investigating topics related to Dutch artists and the history of the Netherlands during World War II.
In April 2017, HIS families hosted six students from Comenius College. Last year’s exchange was a very positive experience for both schools and Comenius College is planning on visiting Hiroshima again this April. More details will be coming at a later date. Please consider hosting a student so that HIS can continue this partnership.

After School Care Program

We are currently making plans for an after school care program. Our first step will be to send out a short survey to see how much interest there is in an after-school care program and on which days it would be needed. Please keep an eye out for that in a future Crane.

Monday is school photo day

Students photos will be taken on Monday.

Japanese Outline