The Crane, 28 September 2018


  • Schoolyard bicycles after school
  • Welcome back to the Grade 4/5 class
  • PTA News

Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

My apologies for the delay with the Crane. I am currently in Tokyo presenting an MYP workshop, keeping an eye on that typhoon approaching. I hope you all had a great week. We have after-school clubs starting this week so we are excited to see how all of the activities go. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


Mr Rentoule (Principal)

Crane Video

Schoolyard Bicycles and Toys After School

The PTA bought many new bicycles, scooters, and other toys for the playground. Currently, they are put away after recess under the covering near the Secondary Annex, and every child knows where they belong.  Unfortunately often they are used by students after school, and they are not being put away.  It’s sad to see them left out overnight or over the weekend in the rain, and it doesn’t reflect the caring value that our children usually demonstrate.  Please remind your child that they are responsible to take care of these toys and if they leave them out after school they need to put them away.

Welcome back Grade 4/5

The Grade 4/5 students had a great few days at Haji Dam.

PTA News

PTA News 25th September