The Crane, 10 January 2020


  • Korean Culture Day Next Week
  • HIS Hoodie Order;
  • Koto Workshop;
  • HIS Idol;
  • Annual Hiroshima Peace Art Exhibition;
  • Mission and Vision Translations.

Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

I hope you all had a relaxing break over the New Year. We are very excited about our Korean Culture Day next week. Thank you to all the families involved in this event. One quick note today about the post-winter-break season when we tend to experience a lot of sickness of various kinds, including the flu, of course. One of the realities of school life is that what children do at home, they also do at school. For this reason, we would like to ask all parents to please reinforce these simple ways to reduce the spread of germs and hopefully, we will have a relatively healthy winter season. ISP-Poster-CoverCough  Also, if your child is sick, they should be at home. Please don’t send them to school, especially if they have a high temperature. Below, under the Crane Video, you will find the guidelines from our Student-Parent Handbook.

Speaking of colds and flu, today’s Ted Talk is about just that and how a 15-year-old student used some maths,  Physics and computer modeling to investigate a simple solution to a serious problem. I liked this video as it shows the importance of the application of our knowledge and understanding of academic subjects to real-world problems. This is at the heart of the IB programs. Enjoy your weekend.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule

Crane Video

Korean Culture Day – Next Week

On January 14th we will have a Korean Culture event during our PYP assembly time, voluntarily created by Korean members of our HIS community. During this time, PYP students will experience traditional Korean games, food, crafts and have an opportunity to wear traditional clothing. Everyone is welcome. Grounds will be available for parking. Tuesday, Jan 14th from 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm in the gym.

Illness and Contagious Diseases (From HIS Parent-Student Handbook)

Because illnesses spread quickly, we advise you to keep your child at home until all signs are clear and your child is able to participate in all school activities.  Showing this consideration for classmates and teachers will help to maintain a healthy environment. If your child is on medication or has had a difficult night please inform the teacher as this may influence his/her behavior at school. 

If you suspect your child has contracted a contagious disease, such as influenza, chickenpox, measles, whooping cough, mumps or impetigo, please do the following:

  • Visit the doctor to confirm the diagnosis;
  • If confirmed, please contact the school immediately and keep your child(ren) at home for at least five school days from the onset of the symptoms, unless otherwise advised by the doctor.
  • A certificate from the doctor with permission to return to school is required before joining classes again. Please give the medical certificate to the office upon return to school. (Students can still be contagious after their initial temperature drops, even if they are feeling  better.)

In the case of an outbreak in the school of contagious or nuisance diseases, such as head lice, the school will use its best judgment about when, whether, or how to notify parents.

HIS Hoodie Order

If you would like to order a HIS Hoodie, you can do so at this link. It will be open until Tuesday afternoon.

Koto Workshop

Just a reminder about the KotoWorkshop that will be held for our parents in January (20th & 23rd – the same session repeated, but you are welcome to come to just one or both. This is a great opportunity. You don’t often get a chance to try these traditional Japanese musical instruments. Click this link for more information. Thank you to Yumi sensei for organizing this. Please email Yumi sensei ( ) to sign up.

HIS Idol

HIS Idol approaches. We have booked the Hiroshima City International House (Ryugakusei Kaikan) near Hiroshima Station for the event. for Friday, March 20 in the evening. This is the day of the Student Conferences which is a public holiday so will be easy for parents to attend. 

Annual Hiroshima Peace Art Exhibition

This year, our G7/8 students’ artworks will be exhibited at the Peace Art Exhibition. This exhibition will run from Wednesday, January 15 to Tuesday, January 21st at Former Bank of Japan Hiroshima branch building downtown Hiroshima. We have been joining this event for the last 4 years and this is going to be our 5th time to join. The Korean school, special education school and local elementary, junior high and senior high schools will be presenting their works too.
Location: Former Bank of Japan Hiroshima Branch (
Dates: Wednesday, January 15 – Tuesday, January 21 / 10 am to 7 pm
Free admission
Portraits by our G7/8 students will be exhibited there.
手と手をつないで 第5回「へいわこども展」

Mission & Vision Translations

Thank you to our translators. If anyone else could help us out with Korean or Chinese, that would be great, or any other languages that are spoken within our school community. There are quite a few more! Thank you. Damian


  • Our Vision: HIS will provide an international education that promotes integrity, excellence, cultural sensitivity and a lifelong commitment to peace and a sustainable planet.
  • Our Mission: HIS will cultivate young people who are prepared for lifelong learning, meeting challenges and outstanding citizenship anywhere in the world.


  • HISのビジョン: 誠実性、卓越性、異文化への感受性を育み、生涯にわたり平和で持続可能な地球への責任を果たす国際的な教育を行います。
  • HISの使命: 生涯を通じて学び挑戦をし続け、世界の一員として貢献する若者を育成します。


  • Биһиги cорукпут: Хиросима Аан дойдутааҕы oскуолата дэгиттэр өттүнэн сайдыылаах, бэриниилээх, эйэлээх эйгэни туругурдар бигэ санаалаах, Аан дойду үөрэҕин таһымыгар эппиэттиир билиилээх, (үөрэхтээх) киһини үүннэрэн таһаарар.
  • Our vision: Биһиги көрүүбүт: Хиросима Аан дойдутааҕы oскуолата эдэр ыччат быстыспат ситимнээх үөрэхтээһининэн, иитиитинэн дьарыктанан, кинилэр иннилэригэр турар сүрүн соруктары быһаарарга көмөлөһүөҕэ, бэлэмниэҕэ уонна кэлэр ыччат Аан дойду дьиҥ- чахчы эйэлээх олохтооҕо буоларын ситиһиэ.


  • Наша миссия: Международная Школа Хиросимы обеспечит международное образование, которое будет способствовать целостности, совершенству, развитию культурной личности,  приверженной к миру во всем мире и устойчивой планете.
  • Наше видение: Международная Школа Хиросимы будет заниматься воспитанием молодежи, готовых к  непрерывному образованию, решению стоящих перед ними задач и способными быть Гражданами мира.


  • Notre Vision: HIS offre une éducation internationale qui promeut l’intégrité, l’excellence, la sensibilité culturelle et un engagement à vie pour la paix et un mode de vie durable.
  • Notre Mission: HIS aidera à éduquer des jeunes gens qui seront préparés pour un apprentissage tout au long de leur vie, à relever des défis et à être des citoyens exemplaires partout dans le monde.


  • Nuestra Visión: HIS proporcionará una educación internacional que promueve la integridad, la excelencia, la sensibilidad cultural y un compromiso de toda la vida a la paz y a un planeta sostenible.
  • Nuestra Misión: HIS cultivará a los jóvenes para que estén preparados para un aprendizaje de toda la vida, para enfrentar desafíos y para ser ciudadanos excepcionales en cualquier lugar del mundo.