The Crane, 18 May 2018


  • Diploma program Exams/Graduation
  • Crane Club Video
  • Secondary Exam Week Schedule
  • Sports Day Next Friday
  • PTA News

1. Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

I hope you have enjoyed the week. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Arts Gala on Saturday and the Sports Day next week on Friday. It is a busy time of year.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule (Principal)

2. Crane Video

3. Diploma Program (DP) Exams/Graduation

The DP exams finished this week. They always run during May. All of the schools do the exams at the same time. We are all very proud of our Grade 12 students who have worked very hard, particularly over these past two years of the DP. Graduation will take place on Saturday 2 June at the Mitsui Garden Hotel.  The ceremony will start from 16:30 to 17:30 and the Graduation Dinner for students and their families will start 18:30 to 20:30 at the Oriental Hotel Hiroshima. We look forward to celebrating the conclusion of this wonderful learning journey.

4. Crane Club Video

The Crane Club members made this video in response to a request from Secours Populaire Français, a non-profit organization in France in launching an outreach program for French children about Japan and Peace. The organization asked our club to create a video to send a message of peace to the children in France. This is part of the ongoing action being taken by the Crane Club. In the Crane video, the images shown of Fukuoka International School students in our genkan were during a meeting they had with the HIS Crane Club, so they are taking lots of action in our community and beyond.

5. Secondary Exam Week Schedule

Secondary exams will take place Monday 4 June – Thursday 7 JunePlease see the attached schedule for details. This week and next, students will receive “Notice of Exam” letters from teachers in each course that has a scheduled exam. These letters outline to students the skills and content that will be assessed on the exams and the assessment criteria that will be used.
The week of 28 May is a review week. All courses will have structured review sessions or study time for students to revise content and skills and prepare for their examinations. Students will also have class time during exam week to study for exams. See the exam schedule for more notes about review and classes during the exam week. Please contact your child’s course teacher if you have questions about the end of year exams.

6. Sports Day Next Friday

On Friday, May 25 HIS will be having the Annual Sports Day at Coca-Cola Stadium.  This has always been a day of fun, competition and performance and we’re looking forward to adding to this tradition this year.   Students will have the opportunity to work with a multi-age group completing a variety of activities, as well as, testing their best against their peers in Track and Field events.

This is an all-day event and everyone is to meet at the stadium by 8:40. Sports Day will finish between 3:30 and 4:00 pm.  Regular school bus riders can ride the bus from their usual spot to Coca-cola stadium.  All other students are expected to arrange transportation to and from the stadium. Parents, relatives and friends are encouraged to come along to support and participate in the day’s events. The morning will consist of Track and Field Events followed by a cooperative team challenge competition in the afternoon.  Although the event takes place rain or shine, if heavy rain is forecasted for the entire day or any weather advisories are in effect, the event may be cancelled. Parents will be notified via email and the school website by 6:15 am. If sports day is cancelled, a regular school day will resume as scheduled: buses will pick up students at normal times and they will be taken to HIS for regularly scheduled [A] day classes.  

Each student has now been placed in a team color. Please make sure they are wearing their school team color tee shirts.

Things to remember

  • appropriate sports attire  (Please check the weather forecast)
  • HIS team color T-shirt
  • running shoes
  • lunch (Picnic mats or chairs) and healthy snacks
  • water bottle
  • sunscreen and hat
  • Plastic bag for “No Rubbish Day” **

If you have any questions, please contact the office.


Mika Kiriake

7. PTA News


1)  Next Wednesday, May 23 is Teacher Appreciation Day.  The revised plan is to have all students line up at 8:50 when the first bell rings in the genkan area so they can cheer and high-five each teacher and HIS staff member as they get their award for the day.  This will be a short celebration just prior to school starting and we encourage all parents planning to attend the PTA meeting to follow, to come early and help us organize and celebrate our staff.  PTA members will not be supervising recess as previously mentioned.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

2) As we wind down a great school year it is time to start thinking ahead to next year. With many changes to the current PTA Committee, we are hoping to find many individuals interested in joining the team. It is a great way to know what is happening in the school and make an impact on your child’s experience while getting to know many other parents.  In an effort to ensure that the workload can be dispersed over many we are searching for the following positions.

PTA Committee– meets once a month as an overview of all things happening at the school.  Currently volunteering for next year are- Brooke, Kumi, Masae and Marina. If there are more than seven candidates, we will have the final election at the last meeting on June 13.

Please apply for PTA committee by the end of May.
The committee includes the following positions:

PTA Treasure- on the Committee and oversees the cash flow as agreed upon by the Committee.

PTA Secretary(English and Japanese)– on the Committee and keeps the notes, handle incoming emails, etc.

Crane Editor– prepares the PTA information for the Crane.  Most information is produced by Committee members and Event Leads so in many cases it just needs translated and put together in a nice form.  This could be a great job for someone who isn’t able to come in for many meetings and events.

Event Leads for the following. Event Leads will be supported by the PTA Committee, Room Parents and school-wide by parents, staff and students. This does not mean you are taking on these projects alone, but that you will help coordinate the efforts. There can be more than one person per lead so grab your friend and share the responsibility and fun!

  • Halloween PYP Party
  • Bonfire:
    • Overall Event (Nigel Barker)
    • Food (Yumiko Barker)
    • Desserts (Jackie)
  • HIS Cleanup Day (Rie)
  • Santa Visit
  • Ski Day (Nicole Watanabe)
  • Skate Day
  • Valentines
    • Val-O-Grams (Kumi)
    • Bake Sale
  • Book Swap (Brooke Amidei)
  • Hanami Picnic
  • Festival:
    • Overall Event
    • Food Vendors
    • Desserts
    • Bazaar
    • Games
  • Teacher Appreciation (Barbara Fuller)
  • Good-bye Farwell Event on Last Day
  • Room Parents

If you have an idea for a new PTA event or project, we are open to all new ideas!  So many things we worked on were new this year- the Playground and Garden Improvement Project, Valentine’s Bake Sale and Val-o-Grams, Cleaning Day and the Book Swap!  So many more things we can work on as a school community to improve the school, raise funds and create fun in our education atmosphere.

Please email  if you are interested in learning more, have any questions or are interested in a spot. Many hands make light work so hopefully many will join our efforts!  This will be discussed more in the PTA meeting next week, Wednesday, May 23 at 9am.

3) <Family Interview> 

Welcome to HIS!

Chen family

Ruby : G4

Charlie : KG1

Mom : Anna

Dad : Rick

Our family lived Hiroshima for the first time. We come to Hiroshima since 2018/3/20.

We enjoy camping and traveling.

our native languages are Mandarin and Taiwanese. We try to improve our English and also lean Japanese.

We started a new life in Hiroshima. Experiences different attitudes towards life. Thank you for the friendliness of Japan.








PTA役員 : 学校で行われるあらゆることに関して毎月一度役員ミーティングを行います。

現時点でありがたいことに立候補の申し出をされている方は Brooke, Kumi, Masae, Marina です。



会計係 : 委員会で合意された予算の入出金の管理をします。

秘書(英語担当、日本語担当) : ミーティングでの議事録の作成やメールの管理など。

Crane 編集 : Craneに載せるためのPTAニュースを作成します。内容は役員メンバーやイベントリーダーによって作成されるので、翻訳と編集が主体です。この役割はミーティングやイベントに直接参加できない方でもできる作業です。

各イベントリーダー(以下へ。毎年リーダーされている方、または来年やりたいと申し出されている方の名前を記載しています): イベントリーダーさんへは役員をはじめ、ルームペアレンツ、保護者さん、スタッフの方や生徒がサポートいたします。おひとりでイベントを遂行する意味ではなく、みんなをひとつにまとめる役割です。一緒にやってくれる方をみつけて複数でリーダーをされるのも楽になるし良いと思います。


*ボンファイア ・全体(バーカー先生)







*バレンタインデー ・Val-O-Grams(くみさん)


*本の交換会 : ブルックさん


*フェスティバル ・イベント全体





*先生方への感謝の日 (バーバラさん)




校庭リノベーション、バレンタインベイクセールとVal-O-Grams、大掃除の日、本の交換会です! 学校のための資金集めや楽しい教育環境にするため、もっとできることはあると思います。さらに詳しくお聞きになりたい方、質問のある方、PTAまでぜひご連絡をください。たくさんの方が参加されると負担も軽減されます。




Chen family

Ruby : G4

Charlie : KG1

Mom : Anna

Dad : Rick






8. Japanese Outline