ITEMS: Festive Eve seating; Student book trailer contest; Donations for the new building and beyond; PYP parent information session; 24 Hour Race information; Bento orders; and PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
This week, I would like to share the report put together by Ms Sasha, Diploma Program (DP) Coordinator, related to our Diploma Program results from the Class of 2020.
We were very proud of all of our students who not only did very well academically but were also great role models for our younger students in the way they lived their day-to-day lives at school. They were risk-takers and inquirers. Thinkers and caring learners. Reflective and open-minded. Great communicators and knowledgable. They were also principled and balanced. These ten attributes (our Learner Profile) are the cornerstones of our whole-school program and we develop them all the way from EC3 to Gr12.
One of the aspects of our Diploma Program that is very important is that we are inclusive. All of our students participate in the Diploma Program and there are a few different pathways. We support each individual child in the journey based on their specific needs and we are always overjoyed to see them move off into the world with all of the opportunities that their education at HIS has opened up, but also with the learner attributes that will stay with them as lifelong learners.
Here is another group of our DP students nearly at the end of their secondary education and making us all proud. These Crane Club members are delivering the paper cranes that arrive at HIS from all around the world to the Peace Park as part of their club’s commitment to spreading a message of peace.

Just to take you back to where it all starts, here is a video related to the Primary Years Program (PYP). Those first steps are vitally important. It is a long journey.
Enjoy the weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Festive Eve Seating
As we prepare for Festive Eve this year, there will be two performances (Friday & Saturday) in front of a live audience with allocated seating so that we can control the number of people in the gym to maintain a reasonably safe environment. This is very important, of course, due to the ongoing COVID19 situation. We will also be live-streaming the event as well and naming the recording available. Next week, I will send out a form to families for ticket requests. Once all requests have been submitted, we will start the process of allocating and distributing tickets. We are all excited about the event. I can hear ABBA songs in the hallways!
Student book trailer contest
We have a book trailer contest promotional video which some of our students have created. The contest is run every year by a group of librarians at international schools in Japan and is always good fun.
Riku (Gr4) also made a poster which you can see on the contest’s web page:
You can also see Lino’s (Gr11) award-winning video from 2019 on the webpage. Well done and we are glad to see the contest back after a COVID-related break last year.
Donations for the new building & beyond
In conjunction with the new building, HIS will be creating an ongoing fundraising program. At the heart of this fundraising program, will be a new sculpture in the lobby of the main building. The sculpture’s design will incorporate ideals of HIS and the three International Baccalaureate programs at the school, as well as a way for current, past, and future members of the entire HIS community to participate to its ongoing growth. The sculpture has been designed by well known local artist Mendel Jonkers, in coordination with Board of Trustee’s fundraiser, Matt Jungblut and principal Damian Rentoule. We will continue to update you on its progress and how you will also be able to contribute to the sculpture.

This image (left-hand side) is an initial representation of the concept. The installation will be made of wood and metal with donor plaques placed on the artwork itself. The series of international landmarks that you can see in silhouette form at the bottom in the shape of cupped hands needs to be selected by the HIS community and a suggestion form will be placed in next week’s Crane to gather ideas. The Eiffel Tower that you can see is an example of what each one will look like. For example, Mt Fujii and the Miyajima Torii gates will most likely be represented. Please consider what you would like to be included as we can fit up to twenty different landmarks.
PYP Parent Information Session
On Thursday, November 26 we will hold a PYP Parent Information Session from 9:00-10:00. We will be looking at the Learner Profile Attributes and Approaches to Learning and explore the roles they play within our Primary Years Programme. We will also discuss ways parents can support the development of the Learner Profile and Approaches to Learning at home.
24 Hour Race Information
(Japanese is below.)
Hello everyone,
We are student representatives from the 24 Hour Race Hiroshima 2021 organising committee, Airi (Gr11) and Erin (Gr11).
The 24 Hour Race is a student-led fundraising event based on a movement that started in Hong Kong in 2010. A team of 8 runners will run for 24 hours in relay to raise awareness of human trafficking and to fundraise donations. The money funded will be donated directly to the A21, an organisation based in Malaysia. The race has been hosted in many countries and the Hiroshima race would be the 11th race in the organisation’s 10-year history. As of 2020, we have gathered a donation of 122,000,000 yen and have saved more than 2,000 victims from crises such as human trafficking, forced labor and child labor.
Hiroshima International School is planning to hold the 24 Hour Race in March next year, and we are looking for sponsors that are willing to collaborate with us.
As our main goal is to raise money to combat human trafficking, we are trying to keep our expenditure low, when it comes to items for the event itself. We are currently in trouble finding sponsors and we would like to ask for your help.
Some of the items that we will be needing include, but are not limited to:
Food(breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack) | Snacks, bread, fruits, Bento(lunchbox) etc… |
Drinks | Bottled water, tea, sports drink, juice etc… |
Clothes | Tshirts, sportswear, sox, sneakers etc… |
Sports equipment | Water Bottle and more |
Medical related | Mask, bandage, hand sanitizer, deodorant, Salonpas etc… |
Financial donation | 10% of the money donated would be used towards the race itself, while the other 90% will be donated to A21( |
It would be greatly appreciated if your company/you would be able to provide any of the things listed and/or any other services/items that you may desire to donate. If you know some companies who are willing to support us, please let us know as well. This list is subject to change but any items would be appreciated.
Please contact if you are interested in donating or helping out at the event itself.
24 Hour Race とは香港に拠点を置くチャリティー団体で、反奴隷運動を訴えるために24時間走る活動を世界中で行っています。この運動は2010年に香港で始まり、今ではシンガポールやサンフランシスコを始めとする世界各国での10都市で活動をしています。主な活動の目的は24 Hour Race (1チーム8人で24時間走り続けるチャリティーマラソン)を開催し、人々に注目していただくことで現在でも世界中で存在している奴隷の現状を多くの人に知ってもらうことです。2010年から現在まで、世界中の企業様のご協力の結果122,000,000円の寄付を募り、2000人以上を人身売買、強制労働、児童労働などの危機から救うことができました。
広島インターナショナルスクールでは私達生徒を中心に来年3月に24 Hour Race(24時間レース)の開催を計画しており、趣旨にご賛同下さり、イベントを一緒に盛り上げていただける協賛企業様を募集しています。このレースで募った募金は全てA21 ( に寄付し、危機的状況にある人々を救う手助けをしたいと思っています。
食品(朝、昼、軽、夕、夜食) | お菓子、パン、フルーツ、お弁当など |
飲料 | ミネラルウォーター、お茶、スポーツドリンク、ジュースなど |
衣類 | Tシャツ、スポーツウェア、靴下、スニーカーなど |
スポーツ用品 | 水筒など |
医療品・医薬品 | マスク、絆創膏、湿布、消毒液、制汗剤など |
募金 | 10%はレースの運営資金として使われます。90%はA21の活動費として寄付されます。 |
Please follow our social media accounts/SNSのフォローもよろしくお願いします
Bento Order
Here is the next bento order form.
Please complete your order by Thursday, November 19th. Thank you.
PTA News
- Student PTA Funding Request 生徒からのキャッチャー防具のリクエスト
- Scholastic Book Club Order スコラスティックオーダー
- Christmas Decorating クリスマス飾り付け
The next PTA meeting will be held on Friday, November 27th, from 9am. Please come along if you have time. If you have something to add to the agenda, please let us know ASAP.
We have had a request from the student Baseball Club for the PTA to fund the purchase of some protective gear for the catcher. We will vote on this proposal at the meeting, so if you have a strong opinion, please come along. More details will follow.
We will be running a second Scholastic Book Club order. Please click on the following link to order any books you would like from the online order form.
第2回目のScholastic/Baker Booksの注文を取りまとめます。下記のサイトより、ご購入いただける本の詳細とオンライン注文ができます。
20c for every dollar spent on this order will be donated to the school for us to spend on books for the library.
Book clubで本の購入をされますと、Book Club 内で使えるポイントとしてご購入1ドルにつき20¢がHISに入ります。このポイントは図書室の本を充実させる為に使用されます。
The deadline for ordering is Friday, November 27th
本のオンライン注文の締め切りは. 11月27日です。
We have to take delivery of the books before the start of the winter holiday. (Depending on the covid situation, there may be delays).
If you like decorating, why not come along and help us get into the festive spirit on Monday, November 30th from 9am, when we will be putting up the Christmas decorations? See you there if you have time.