The Crane, 4 February 2022


Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

Firstly, a reminder that next week there is no school Wednesday-Friday. There are professional development days (Teacher Workdays) on Wednesday and Thursday, and a public holiday on Friday.

We said farewell to Mika sensei on Monday and welcomed Mr B. on Tuesday. Thank you to the PTA for the lovely gift basket for Mika sensei. We will look forward to hearing from you, Mika, all about university life. We wish you all the best and appreciate your 16 years of service to HIS!

Just like Mathematics, Science and all the other subject areas, the IB Arts (Visual Arts and Music) is focused on exploring concepts – developing our understanding of big ideas. This TED Talk by Katie Paterson is an excellent example of this approach. The speaker had an idea she wanted to explore, and experimented with different ways of representing the idea, using a variety of mediums. This is a journey our Arts students are very familiar with although at an understandably smaller scale. I hope you all enjoy the weekend.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule

Crane Video

PTA News

Gift for Mika-sensei Mika 先生への贈り物

On Monday, January 31st, Mika-sensei, who has been teaching at HIS for 16 years as a Japanese class teacher and as a PE (PHE) teacher, set out for her next challenge. We all want to say thank you very much for your kindness to the children over many years. You have always given us, as parents, warm smiles and words of encouragement. To express our gratitude to Mika-sensei, we prepared a gift from the PTA. We all wish her health and further success in her new endeavours. Thank you very much, Mika-sensei!


◆ Val-O-Gram Deadline 申し込み締切期限

The deadline for applying for Val-O-Gram is Monday, February 7, just after the beginning of the week. If you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to place your order. Also, as we mentioned in last week’s Crane (➡︎ LINK for the Crane, 28 January 2022), the application form listed the number of all students in each class – one more than needed. Please remember, if you are sending to all the class members subtract 1 from the number of people in each class. We apologise for the confusion.

Val-O-Gram 申し込みの締切り期限 は週明けすぐの2月7日月曜日です。まだの方は忘れずにご注文をお済ませくださいね。また先週のCrane でもお伝えしましたように (➡︎ LINK for the Crane, 28 January 2022)、申し込み用紙に書いております各クラス全員の人数を間違えて1人ずつ多く記載してしまいました。お手数ですが、クラス全員に送られる場合は、それぞれ記載の人数から1を引いてご計算いただきますよう、お願いいたします。混乱させてしまいましたこと、お詫び申し上げます。

◆ Next week’s school will be on Monday and Tuesday only, with 3 days off starting Wednesday. Don’t forget…..


That’s it for this week’s news from the PTA. We hope you have a good weekend!
