The Crane, 26 August 2022

Update from James Steward, Principal

We have enjoyed a very successful start to 2022-23. Our students are enjoying their classes and having fun with friends. I have been very impressed with the entire HIS community from our students and families to the entire HIS staff!

The PTA is working hard in preparation for the many events that they organize. I ask that you support them in any way possible as they begin the school year.

Our volleyball teams have been practicing hard this week and they look fantastic! The season starts soon with games against Fukuoka International School.

Please read further for important information.

Morning Traffic Update

Thank you to all HIS community members for driving so carefully when approaching the school for drop-off and pick-up. The safety of our students and community members is imperative. This can only happen when we drive respectfully and responsibly. Thank you for your fine efforts.

Also, please be considerate of those people living near the school. Please avoid parking for long periods of time in places that will obstruct normal traffic flow. This is very important in maintaining positive relations within the local neighbourhood.

Parent Information Evening

Plans are underway for our coming Parent Information Evening which will occur on Friday, September 9 at 18:00. As we have many new teachers and many new families, I expect that this event will be very well attended. We are looking forward to seeing you there. More information will be coming soon!

Name that Teacher!

Is it possible that another alien teacher has invaded HIS? Which teacher is this?
Please let me know when you see me next!

Important DP Announcement from Ms. Kurokawa


The results of the IBDP 2022 May exams are out and we would like to share our Cohort 2022 success with you.
Once again, each of our Cohort 2022 students has shown great dedication in their learning and were able to successfully demonstrate their level of understanding in their exam sessions. The IBDP 2022 May results not only revealed the academic knowledge and skills that each of our students has gained, but also their resilience and mental strength in uncertain times such as these. Teachers have also demonstrated extraordinary ability to provide the best support that they could provide for their students.

We would like to also send our gratitude to the parents for their unconditional support and guidance throughout their journey at HIS. All of our students are now ready to move onto the next phase of their lives and we are more than certain that they will bring a great impact into their new communities.

Here are some highlights of this year’s graduates:

  • The HIS cohort 2022 averaged 34 which exceeds the world average of 32.9 (May 2021). We have been exceeding the world average for 6 years straight!
  • One student received 40 points out of 45. It puts this student in the top 9% of global IB DP graduates.
  • Four out of five students received “Bilingual Diplomas” as they have successfully completed two languages in the Group 1: studies in language and literature.
  • All of our students have completed all the requirements for graduation from HIS.
  • All Diploma candidates have passed their IB Diploma.
  • In 18 out of 25 subjects, our students’ average was higher than the world average.
  • Two out of five students received “A” in their Extended Essays.

University Admissions for Cohort 2022

* attending

United States
American University (2) (Scholarships for both candidates)
Boston University (Presidential Scholarship)
George Washington University
*Harvard University
Northeastern University (2)

*Simon Fraser University (Entrance Scholarship)
University of Victoria

*Waseda University
*Shibaura Institute of Technology
Temple University, Japan campus

City College, University of London
Royal Holloway, University of London

HIS School Profile (2022-23) 

Thank you for all your support!
Ms K (Ayako Kurokawa) – DP Coordinator

Bento Orders(弁当オーダー)

Bento Order Part 1 will start from Sep 5 (Sep.5 – Nov.30).
Please click here to submit the form by August 29.


Invitation to “Let’s Pray for Ukraine 13th Charity Concert”

Thank you very much for all HIS community members that attended our “Let’s Play/Pray for Ukraine” held this past spring.

The donation was sent to the Ukrainian Rotary Club and used for medicines, food, first aid kits, etc.

The current situation in Ukraine is still very severe. Therefore, we have decided to hold one last charity concert this year. We are pleased to share our new program here:

Let’s pray for Ukraine -13th concert
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Higashi Ward Citizens Cultural Center Main Hall
18:00 Doors open 18:30 Concert begins 19:30 Concert ends
Admission: Adults 2500 yen Students 1000 yen

For ticket reservations, please click here.

Alternatively, please contact us at the following number:

We look forward to seeing you at the event.

HIS Faces in the News! (Week 1 Picture Gallery)

A selection of photos from across HIS.

From the PTA

Welcome back to a new school year! And, welcome to all the new students who have just joined HIS. With Mr. Steward, our new principal, as well as a number of new teachers joining our staff HIS is going as strong as ever. Yoroshiku-onegaishimasu for this school year too!

新年度がスタートしましたね。Welcome back! 今年度から新しく入られた生徒さん、Welcome to HIS! Steward校長先生、他先生方数名も新たにお迎えして、HISでは新しい風が吹いています。今年度もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

The Deadline for HIS Polo Shirt Design -SUN 11th Sep HISポロシャツデザイン締め切り9/11(日)

As was mentioned in the Crane by Mr Rentoule ( ), and to students by Ms. K, the school would like to ask HIS secondary students to design a logo for the back of a new school polo shirt to celebrate our 60th anniversary. The PTA will be supporting this. The deadline has been officially decided as September 11 (Sunday). To those who haven’t submitted a design, but still would like to, it’s not too late! We are looking forward to seeing all your creative designs.

Rentoule前校長先生から夏休み前のCrane ( ) にて簡単に、そしてセカンダリーの生徒さんにはAyako先生からメールでお知らせをしていただきましたが、HIS創立60周年のお祝いの一環として、セカンダリー生徒のデザインによるHISのポロシャツを作成することになりました。私たちPTAでそのサポートをさせていただきます。締め切りを9月上旬としておりましたが、9月11日(日)を正式に締め切りとさせていただきます。提出がまだの方、まだ間に合いますよ。たくさんの皆さんのデザインをお待ちしております。

Room Parents for PYP Classes PYPクラスのルームペアレンツについて

Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to be Room Parents as we announced in a previous Crane. We believe that this opportunity will allow parents to get further involved in their children’s school lives and understand how the school works. It’s also a great opportunity to interact with other parents and the teachers. There is no limit to the number of room parents, so please consider it.


That’s all for this week. We hope you have a great weekend.

From the PTA

From Yanagi-sensei

Please see the following flyer for the Colorful Heart Festival.