It has been another great week at HIS!
Both of our Secondary volleyball teams were immersed in final preparations for their first tournament of the year. We bid them farewell and good luck on Thursday after school.
I encourage all Secondary students to participate in the Polo Shirt Design Contest as referenced below. This is our 60th Anniversary at HIS, and your contributions would be much appreciated. The deadline is this weekend!
Having mentioned the weekend, please remember that this is a long one with Monday being a holiday.
Please stay safe as it appears a strong typhoon is headed our way.
And finally, if you are part of a local tennis club, or have a connection to one, you may know that they often get rid of their old balls every three months or so. I would love to get as many tennis balls as possible for a project I am working on. Therefore, please let me know if you are able help me with this.
James Steward
HIS Principal
Camp is coming
This is a reminder that Secondary Camp will occur from October 5-7. An information letter will be sent home this week detailing what to expect.
Alumni Event on September 16
Congratulations to Ayako Kurokawa, our DP Coordinator, who along with her team ran a superb alumni event that occurred on Thursday.
Former students, Shinjin, Erin, Kiko and Airi, shared their experiences after HIS with our Secondary students. They emphasized such elements as self-reliance, balancing life goals, and exploring different and unique pathways, as highly important in helping finding one’s way through university and beyond. They also expressed their sincere gratitude for their time at HIS.
As our Secondary students plot their futures and leaps ahead, this event was excellent incentive for them to keep striving for excellence.
Thank you for everyone’s fine contributions.
Polo Shirt Design for Secondary Students
The deadline for the polo shirt design competition supported by the HIS PTA is now September 19th. If you have any draft designs, please do submit your design to the office or a digital version to the PTA (
You can even choose to create a design with more than one person! Be creative and harness your creative energies!
Ms K and Mr Steward (on behalf of the PTA)
Videos of the Week
Overcoming Life’s Hurdles
Learning to Count
Creativity in the Sand Box
HIS Faces in the News (album)
Click here to see our weekly selection of photos from across HIS.
From the PTA
HIS polo shirt design deadline – September 19th
HISポロシャツデザイン締め切り間近- 9/19 月
The deadline for applications for back designs for the new HIS polo shirts is Monday, September 19th. Please see the email from Ms. K for details. Entry is limited to secondary students. As mentioned last week, the design should be usable for future events, so please don’t include references to the 60th. Don’t miss the deadline!
HIS新ポロシャツ作成のための背面デザインの募集 ( 詳細はMs. Kからのメール参照。セカンダリー生徒限定) の締め切りは週明けの9月19日(月)です。 募集要項にありますように、今後も引き続き正式な場所でも着用できるようなデザイン(60thが入らないように) でお願いしますね。締め切りをお見逃しなく!
Request for donation of sweets for Halloween (if left over, it will also be used for Christmas)
ハロウィーン用 (残ればクリスマスにも使用) お菓子のドネーションのお願い(予告)
We are planning to ask for donations of sweets that will be distributed to students for the Halloween event at the end of October. It would be great if you could donate one large bag per child. Some students are allergic to nuts, so please avoid these. Treats collected but not given out will be distributed at Santa’s Visit on Christmas, so they don’t have to be Halloween-themed treats. We will inform you of the start date of accepting donations as soon as it is decided, so please keep them at home until then.
10月末のHalloweenのイベント用に向けて生徒に配るお菓子のドネーションをお願いする予定です。お子さま1人につき、大袋1つご寄付いただけると助かります。ナッツアレルギーの生徒がおりますので、ナッツ入りは避けていただきますようお願いいたします。残ったお菓子がはクリスマスのSanta Visit でのお菓子配布にも使用する予定ですので、Halloween テーマのお菓子でなくても大丈夫です。ドネーションの受付開始日は決まり次第お伝えいたしますので、それまではご自宅で保管していただきますようお願いいたします。
PTA General Meeting -Thursday, October 13th PTA全体ミーティング 10月13日(木)
A PTA General Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 13th. We are planning to discuss the introduction of the committee members, financial reports, upcoming events (Halloween, Bonfire Night), etc. We would like to invite the new Principal Mr Steward and the PVP Vice Principal Ms Shefali to attend and report on the current school situation.
If you have anything you would like us to discuss at this meeting, please email the PTA ( ) by Tuesday, October 11th.
来月10月13日木曜日、PTA全体ミーティングを開催予定です。役員の紹介、会計報告、今後のイベント(Halloween、Bonfire Night ) 等について話をする予定です。Steward新校長先生、Shefali PYP副校長先生にもご参加いたただき、現状等をご報告いただければ、とも思っております。
このミーティングで話し合ってほしいことなどありましたら、10月11日火曜日までにPTA ( )までメールにてお知らせくださいね。
Request for a donation toward Halloween/Christmas Large decorations
Halloween/Christmas 大型デコレーション の購入の為の寄付のお願い
In order to liven up the school for upcoming events we are planning to purchase large Halloween/Christmas decorations for the HIS entrance, and would like to ask for your kind donations. Please write your name on the envelope (anonymous also ok), indicate that it is a decoration donation, and submit it to the office. We sincerely hope that many of you will support us. Please note that if the donation amount exceeds the purchase cost, it will be kept as PTA funds.
学校でのイベントを盛り上げるために、HIS玄関付近に飾るHalloween/Christmas 大型デコレーションを購入したく、皆さまからのご厚意を募りたいと存じます。封筒にお名前(匿名可)とデコレーション寄付と明記のうえ、オフィスまでご提出ください。たくさんの皆さまのご賛同をうけたまわりますよう、心からお願い申し上げます。なお、寄付額が購入費を上回りましたらPTA資金にさせていただきますことをご了承願います。
Snack Club Renamed “Let’s Bake!” スナック・クラブ改め、『Let’s Bake!』
We have decided on an official name for The “Snack Club,” which we announced last week. It will be called “Let’s Bake!”. We will seek out some budding pâtissiers from G5 and on September 29th (Thursday) lunchtime will make baked sweets with the cooperation of PTA members. They will be sold at the “Bake Sale” during break time on the following day (Friday, September 30). Those planning to participate should prepare their own aprons.
先週お知らせした「スナック・クラブ」は『Let’s Bake!』が正式な名称に決まり、早速9月29日から実行することになりました。G5で希望者を募り、9/29(木)のランチタイム+ランチタイム後の時間も少し使い、PTA役員や他保護者の協力を得て焼き菓子を作ります。そして、次の日(9/30・金)の休憩時間の『Bake Sale』で販売します。参加予定者は各自エプロンの準備をお願いしますね。
Parents Choir ペアレンツ・クワイア・グループ
We are looking for members to join our Parents Choir. We will share the QR code for the Choir LINE group with the overall Parents LINE group, so if you are interested in participating, please join the LINE group. If you are not a member of the parents’ LINE group and are interested in joining the choir group, please contact the PTA executives personally or email the PTA.
That’s all for this week’s news. As a typhoon is coming, everyone, please take care of yourself.
From the PTA