Welcome from James Steward
Dear HIS Community,
Is there ever a calm week at HIS? I have learned quickly that the answer is ‘no’! Of course, this is a good thing, as we keep things moving at a high pace all the time. There were no carnivals or bonfires this week, but there is plenty more to come.
The Parent Wolfpack (PTA) continues to work diligently on new initiatives. Some of our Peter Pan Team have been invited to the new Hilton Hotel downtown to perform on the evening of November 18. This will be a great practice run for some of our musical numbers. Good luck to this Team in representing HIS. Festive Eve is coming soon!
The days and nights are slowly becoming cooler, but the sun is still shining on HIS. This cooling effect must be the reason than Mr. B, our resident Canadian hockey player, introduced floor hockey to his students this week!
Let’s enjoy the pleasant weather while it lasts. Ski season is around the corner!
Please read on for further information.
James Steward
HIS Principal
Baseball Clinic on December 2
Yasunuishi High School has offered to run a baseball clinic for our students December 2 from 15:30 to 17:00. Most equipment will be provided, however, HIS students are requested to bring their own bats and gloves, if possible. If a student does not own these items, the high school team will bring extra equipment. Thank you to Megumi Muterspaugh for helping us organize this opportunity.
Please inform Makkie-san in the HIS Office by November 18 if your child intends to participate in this excellent opportunity:
Yuko Makio makkie@hiroshima-is.ac.jp
Special Olympics Report
The Special Olympics Nippon National Games took place in Hiroshima last weekend on November 4~6. Students from G11 (Alina, Mei, Jundai, Taishi, Kento, Ryoma) and G12 (Sean, Yuta, Fidel, Itsuki, Mian, SuA) participated as volunteers in the table tennis division. They helped with the distribution of food and drinks, guiding those in need, maintaining Covid protocols, and, of course, cheering on the athletes. Read some of their thoughts below!
“Volunteering at the Special Olympics Hiroshima Games was a very constructive experience for me in collaborating with others. Being responsible for many logistics of the event prompted me to problem solve and compromise with others when faced with challenges as opposed to requesting constant guidance from leaders.
I was also reminded of the importance of sports in enabling people to grow on a personal level and connect on a social level. The Special Olympics are important because they allow people with intellectual disabilities–who would otherwise have fewer opportunities–to have these experiences and grow as athletes.
I would recommend that future DP students and other members of our community take part in the Special Olympics when possible as volunteering was a refreshing experience of growth and connection.” – Sean (G12)
“Participating in this event, I realized that the Special Olympics is a significant event for players with mental difficulties since I witnessed just how much effort they put into the sport, and participating in this game is a huge milestone in itself as an athlete. Watching the players doing the best they can, I was happy contributing to the games as a volunteer.
Since we do not have these opportunities often, I recommend experiencing this particular volunteering opportunity as I am sure that you will understand more about them, and it will be beneficial for both parties.” – Jundai (G11)
We would also like to thank Junko sensei and Ryoko sensei for supporting the students as well as the organization for having us. It was a very rewarding experience as we promoted inclusivity by supporting athletes in continuing their passion and joy for sports, despite their intellectual disabilities. It was a joy to see athletes from all over the nation doing what they enjoy most, making us realize the power and joy of sports. We hope to help out at future competitions, and see you there!
– Mei (G11)

G5 Students Celebrate World Children’s Day
“Go Blue”
November 20 is World Children’s Day. World Children’s Day is when we celebrate the children’s rights we achieved. Since it is Sunday, we, G5, would like to celebrate HIS World Children’s Day with you on Monday, November 14th. The theme color of the World Children’s Day is Blue. Please wear something blue on HIS World Children’s Day. We would like to take a photo during lunch recess time. Thank you.
Here is a photo of HIS World Children’s Day from 2019. We were not able to celebrate the day for the last 2 years due to Covid. I want our students to enjoy the day this year.
Yumi Sensei

Please see this message from Viola for more information!
Festive Eve is Coming!
Saturday, Dec. 10th, 14:00-17:30 (Festive Eve is counted as a school day for attendance)
Each year, HIS students participate in an all-school musical production for Festive Eve. This year, we will be presenting Peter Pan, based on a classic play (1903) by J.M. Barry. The choir (all G3-5 students) will be singing selected pieces during the musical, all primary classes will be presenting class dance acts. G6-10 orchestra will be performing an overture. The cast are supported by the backstage crew who are taking all areas of responsibilities behind the scenes as stage directors, music directors, stage managers, choreographers, musicians, lighting, set design, prop design, costume/hair make-up, and audio technicians. We are aiming to present to a live audience this year, and students are working hard each day. Please mark your calendar and we look forward to seeing many of you there.
Takako Tokunaga
Festive Eve Coordinator
The Latest COVID Poster from the Ministry of Health

HIS Faces in the News! (Picture Gallery)
Click here to see our weekly selection of photos from across HIS.
Videos of the Week
From the HIS Parent Wolfpack (PTA)
◆ Scholastic/Baker Book Club Online Order スコラスティック/ベイカー ブッククラブ オンラインオーダー受付中
Our new Scholastic/Baker Book Club is up and running!
Go to
to browse the latest books and order online.
Every $1 you spend on Book Club will earn 20¢ for our school in Scholastic Rewards. This is an opportunity to contribute to the school as these will be used to add books to the library.
Please place your order online by 9am on Monday, November 21st, 2022.
(締め切り: 2022年11月21日(月) 午前9時)
◆ Request for Donation of Sweets for the Santa Visit Santa Visit 用のお菓子ドネーションのお願い
We would like to ask for donations for the sweets that will be distributed to students for the Santa Visit as the sweets collected before Halloween were all used up for the Halloween Carnival. If you have brought donations to the school, please give them to Sayaka san in the office. Some students are allergic to nuts, so please avoid them. Thank you!!
◆ Decorating Volunteers request 飾り付けのボランティアのお願い 11月22日(火) 9:00am〜
We will decorate the school for the Winter Holidays (near the entrance, hallway, etc.) from 9:00 am on Tuesday, 22 November. If you have time, please lend a hand.
◆ Let’s Bake!
The next HIS “Let’s Bake!” is coming soon and this time it will be with the G3/4 class. We (the Wolfpack Team) will be helping again with some parent volunteers. Please note that those who are planning to participate should prepare their own aprons. Further information will be provided later. Thank you!
◆ Let’s Recycle Halloween Costumes! ご不要のコスチューム回収企画
We are collecting costumes, accessories and decorations for Halloween that aren’t needed anymore so that they can be recycled. Please put them in a plastic bag with your name written on it, then place them in a clear plastic box in the Genkan area. Thank you!
◆ From the Costume Team for the Festive Eve 衣装チームから
We’d like to show our appreciation to many parents who are helping make costumes for Festive Eve. We have also asked parents whose child/ren is/are part of the cast to bring the requested clothes/items. Thank you for your cooperation. Please feel free to come and say hi to us in the staff room. We are always happy to welcome new members!
Have a great weekend!!
From the Wolfpack Team