Welcome from James Steward
It has been an historic week at HIS! Our Boys Volleyball Team made it to the final of the tournament held in Fukuoka this past weekend. With games streamed online, they were so close to taking the lead with a ‘set point’ in the first set, but just fell short. Mr. Steward just about fell off of his chair a few times while cheering in front of his computer at home! Unfortunately, despite a superb effort, they could not bring home the championship trophy. However, this bodes well for the final tournament on Oct 13-14. Congratulations to the entire team and coaches, Mr. B and Masayo-sensei!
I’m looking forward to the PTA Hot Bento Lunch to be served on Tuesday! I sampled the prototype, and it was excellent!
Let’s have a great week ahead!
James Steward
HIS Principal
Secondary School IB Coffee Mornings
Dear Secondary parents and guardians,
This year we will be holding a combined secondary school “Coffee Morning” series for parents to learn more about the MYP and DP programs and to help answer questions that come up throughout the year.
We are planning to run the Coffee Mornings from 9-10am on:
- 20th September 2023 (Wednesday)
- 12th December 2023 (Tuesday)
- 5th April 2024 (Friday)
- 3rd June 2024 (Monday)
The sessions will be hosted by Sarah Niemann (MYP Coordinator) and Gavin Smith (DP Coordinator). If you are interested please join.
Kind regards,
The Secondary Team
Board of Trustees (BOT) Guardian Positions
There are 5-7 places for Guardians on the Board of Trustees. We hold an election when a position opens due to a member’s 2-year term expiry. If a member’s term expires, the member continues in that role until the election is finalized. Currently, we are looking for nominations for Guardian positions on the Board of Trustees. It is a voluntary position. If you are interested in nominating yourself, please enter your name in the following nomination form. We will then contact you to request a short written introduction.
Here is the self nomination form:
If you are interested, and require further explanation about the BOT, please contact James Steward, HIS Principal.
The nomination process is as follows:
Step 1: Principal announces the availability of positions in The Crane and calls for nominations.
Step 2: A one week period is provided for collecting nominations.
If the number of nominated candidates is equal to, or less than, the available positions, no election will be held. The Principal will inform the Chair of the Board of Trustees once the one-week nomination period is complete. If more nominations than available positions are received, the election will proceed.
Step 3: An electronic ballot (e-ballot) will be shared with each HIS family, containing:
- The number of open positions.
- The list of nominated candidates.
- A checkbox for support of each candidate.
- Instructions to mark the checkbox of the candidates you support, up to the number of open positions. (e.g. If three positions are open, you can check up to 3 candidates.)
Step 4: Checks on collected e-ballots are tabulated. Candidates are ranked in order of total checks received. The highest ranked candidates fill the nominated positions.
Step 5: The Principal supervises the process and informs the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the outcome. The Chair informs the successful candidates.
Photo Gallery
Click here to view this week’s photos from around the school.

From the PTA Wolfpack
The Wolfpack has begun planning Halloween. We will be meeting on October 2 at 9:00 to decorate the school for Halloween and would love to have anyone who can make it to help out. If anyone has any Halloween decorations they would like to donate please let us know.
Our big Halloween Event occurs on October 27th (to learn more about the event please come to the General Meeting on Sept 26). We are collecting snacks and treats to use for the Halloween Costume Parade during school and to give out at the Trunk or Treat that night. If you would like to donate treats please drop them off in the box in the Genkan by October 24. Please no snacks or treats with nuts due to allergies of students.
HIS is looking for Parent Volunteers to help with shelving books and other similar tasks in the HIS Library. We need one to two volunteers to help in the library every Monday and one to two volunteers every Tuesday from 9:00-10:50 am for the Fall Semester. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at pta@hiroshima-is.ac.jp.
Upcoming Events:
September 19th Hot Lunch – Quick reminder to everyone who ordered a lunch to please give your payment to Makkie-san in the front office in an envelope labelled “Hot Lunch Order” with your name and total amount on it.
September 26th Wolfpack General Meeting @ 9:00 am
September 28th Let’s Bake with G8
September 29th Bake Sale @ Snack Break
The PTA Wolfpack