Welcome from James Steward
It was a short, yet busy week at HIS!
Upon return, the feeling of LOVE was in the air as the community engaged in Valentine’s Day proceedings. Chocolate hearts and other treats were delivered and given in a spirit of warmth and generosity. I would be remiss if I did not thank the PTA Wolfpack for their amazing organization for our Valentine’s events. Thank you!
And, when Valentines were not gracing our corridors, other great things were happening. Preparations for our next ‘Hot Lunch’ were taking place in the HIS Kitchen. Peace Riders showed their grit while riding in the relentless rain on Thursday afternoon. Grades 3-4-5 participated in a unique outdoor game of Predator and Prey on Friday morning in support of the current studies in Primary School.
Please read further for more information.
James Steward
HIS Principal
Dragonfly Basketball Tickets Available
HIS has recently been offered 50 tickets to see the Dragonflies play on March 2.
Please find the link for the sign up form for Basketball Game tickets.
Tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis.
Bento Orders Due
Bento Order(弁当オーダー)
Bento Order Part 3 (March to June) will start from March 1st.
Please submit this bento form by February 22nd (Thu). Thank you very much.
HIS Photo Gallery
Please follow the link to view this week’s selection of photos from around HIS.
Students: You will need to sign out of your school account to view the photos.

From the PTA Wolfpack
This week was short but busy!
14 families went to Mizuho for HIS Ski Day. The snow was perfect for skiing and fun was had by all!
Thank you to everyone who helped pack treat bags, made hot food for the students and of course everyone who supported the special Wolfpack Valentine’s Shop.
Thank you to Mr. Steward for handing out Valentines from the Wolfpack to all the students. It was great to see all their happy faces.
Next week we have Let’s Bake with G10 on Thursday, Feb. 29. If you would like to help then please let us know. They will be baking Funfetti Cookies (vanilla cookies with lots of sprinkles). If your student is in G10 please remind them to bring an apron. The cookies will be sold on Friday morning during morning snack break.
The next Hot Lunch will be on Tuesday, March 5. We will be making Lu Rou Fan, Taiwanese braised pork, with rice and pickled cucumber. Order forms will go out next week and are DUE Monday, Feb 26th. There will be small, medium, and large portions costing 400¥, 500¥, and 600¥. If you would like to have chicken instead of pork please write it on your order form.
International Festival Spotlight: Safety & Security at the International Festival.
For security reasons we ask all parents participating and volunteering at the International Festival to wear an HIS shirt, hoodie or polo. This will help everyone recognize you are a parent of an HIS student. If you don’t have any HIS gear to wear don’t worry. HIS will be making one more order for hoodies in March so keep a lookout for more information.
Upcoming Events:
- Feb. 29 Let’s Bake with G10
- Mar. 1 Bake Sale
- Mar. 5 Hot Lunch
- Apr. 13 International Festival
The PTA Wolfpack