Welcome from James Steward
Dear HIS Community,
It was a great first week back after the March Break! This was highlighted by Japan’s victory over the USA in the World Baseball Classic. Both teams were worthy opponents and HIS had fans from both sides. However, it seems that the Japan fans outnumbered those from the USA in the end. Regardless, it was a very fun morning at HIS as we set up the big screen in the genkan, so that all who desired could watch the game unfold. Congratulations to Shohei Ohtani and the Japanese team for winning in the end after a nail-biting finish!
HIS Faces in the News (Photo Gallery)
Click here to see this week’s photos from around the school. https://photos.app.goo.gl/sJeofCKWbBoMNq4w9

Bento Order(弁当オーダー)
Bento Order Part 3 will start from April 3 and runs through June 23.
Please submit this bento form by March 28 (Tue). Thank you from Ms. Noriko Senno.
COVID Update
As was mentioned in a previous email, COVID measures have been significantly reduced in Japan. Masks have become optional in most situations. However, it is still very important to respect everyone’s personal choice regarding this matter. Furthermore, masks should still be worn in crowded situations; this includes the times when we ride HIS school buses to and from school. Finally, please be courteous to others when children are not feeling well. In such cases, do not send them to school.
Health forms will continue to be completed until we receive further guidance on this. We will continue to ventilate HIS as much as possible.
In summary, while the situation is more relaxed, we must all do our part to respect one another when it comes to collective health.
Parking at HIS
This is a reminder that we are not allowed to park in the parking lot connected to the facility across the street from HIS. This is a private parking lot. Please ask the HIS Office for guidance should you have a problem finding a spot. We can always help.
“Kanken”, the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing/日本漢字能力検定について
HIS Japanese department will hold “Kanken”, the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing, at school on Friday, June 9th during the period 3 and 4 as an optional activity.
Please read the “Kanken” brochure that was handed out to your child this week. Please let your child’s Japanese teacher know by email if you would like your child to participate in the testing by Monday, April 3rd.
If your child participates in “Kanken”, fill in the application form both A, B and receipt at the back of the “Kanken” brochure and bring it with the examination fee in a named envelope to the office between April 10th and 14th.
If you have any questions, please send an email to your child’s Japanese teacher.
- PYP Japanese class:Yumi Kyogoku ykyogoku@hiroshima-is.ac.jp
- MYP JLA /DP Japanese B class: Junko Koibuchi jkoibuchi@hiroshima-is.ac.jp
- MYP-Japanese LAL/DP-Japanese class:Yoko Yanagi yyanagi@hiroshima-is.ac.jp
*For your information, our PYP/MYP/DP curriculum won’t change because of the test. Please understand that you are responsible for the examination fee and textbooks as needed.
From the Japanese department
- PYP Japanese 担当:京極 悠美 ykyogoku@hiroshima-is.ac.jp
- MYP JLA /DP Japanese B担当: 鯉渕 純子 jkoibuchi@hiroshima-is.ac.jp
- MYP-Japanese LALクラス/DP-Japanese Aクラス担当:柳 洋子yyanagi@hiroshima-is.ac.jp
広島インターナショナルスクール 日本語科一同
From The HIS Parent Wolfpack Team
◆ Scholastic Baker Books Ordered! スコラスティック/ ベイカーブックス注文のご報告
Thank you to everyone who ordered from our Scholastic/Baker Book Club. We will let you know when your books arrive.
The total price of the books everyone ordered this time was $870. We will earn 20% of this in the form of points, which we will be able to spend on books for the school library. £219 worth of books have been ordered by the school with points earned from previous purchases. We are very grateful to everyone who has helped us support the school in this way.
For those who didn’t manage to order in time please look out for our next Book Club!
◆ Polo Shirts Ordered ポロシャツ発注済み
We have now placed the 2nd order for the polo shirts. We will announce when they arrive, which will be well before the Festival day! Thank you for your understanding.
◇ International Festival News ◇
There are only three weeks left until the International Festival on April 15th. The HIS Parent Wolfpack (PTA) core members are working hard every day to make the festival a success.
4月15日のインターナショナルフェスティバルまであと残すところ3週間ほどとなりました。私達 The HIS Parent Wolfpack (PTA) コアメンバーもフェスティバル成功に向けて連日準備に奮闘しています。
◆ Raffle and Game/Food Ticket Order
ラッフルチケット、及び、ゲーム/フード チケットの販売について
☆TICKET ORDER FORM / チケット注文フォーム☆
➡︎Click Here for Raffle Ticket and Game/Food Ticket Order Form ラッフルチケット&ゲーム/フードチケット注文フォームはこちらから
For the details about both tickets, see the following link:
➡︎Click Here for Raffle and Game/Food Ticket Order Explanation チケット販売の説明はこちらから
- Raffle Tickets
Regarding the raffle, which we mentioned in the Crane before, we have received many sponsorships, and thanks to the generosity of all those who donated we have a lot of great prizes. Raffle tickets will of course be sold on the day of the event, but you can also buy them in advance for convenience, using the form linked in the page above. Please note that the 50-piece set that allows you to get the maximum raffle gift will be sold in a limited set of 100. (see the raffle gift list in the explanation letter). The minimum purchase quantity is 5 tickets.
- Games & International Cafe (Food and Beverage) Tickets
Games, Bouncy Castle, Cotton Candy, Popcorn, and International Cafes (food and drink) operated by HIS parents will use tickets, not cash.
These can also be purchased on the day, but if you buy in advance you can get 11 100 yen tickets for 1000 yen. On the day of the event, the ticket booth is expected to be crowded due to visitors from the general public, so please purchase in advance as much as possible.
If you would like to purchase tickets in advance, please apply using the form linked above.
◆ Volunteering – How to take part ボランティア参加のためのリスト- 記入のお願い
➡︎ Click here for the Volunteer List / ボランティアリスト
We have now only three weeks to go to the International Festival on Saturday, April 15th. Thank you to those who have filled the spaces to help us for the festival. We still need a lot more help. Please volunteer for two shifts if possible. Please add your name and be careful not to delete any names already there. Everyone from your household can help, dads, mums and grandparents are all very welcome!
◆ Request for Prizes for Raffle ラッフルの協賛のお願い
We would still be very happy to receive donated prizes from either companies or individuals, so if you are thinking about it, please get in touch. Money donations to buy exciting prizes for the raffle are also very welcome! For money gifts, please let us know the sponsorship name to be displayed.
➡︎ Click here for English Letter about Prizes
➡︎ Click here for Japanese Letter with Additional Information / 協賛のお願い、及び、ラッフルの追加の説明
◆Request for items for Bazaar バザールへの寄付のお願い
As we mentioned on the e-mail Crane, we are adding used DVDs to the items to be sold. Overseas DVDs are also welcome. Please make sure that they still play ok before donating. 中古DVDも受け付けることになりました。海外製も受け付けます。DVDは寄付される前に必ず動作確認をお願いいたします。
Please note that Items donated for the Bazaar should be either handmade or unused, apart from Books (Both English and Japanese. Recipe books are also okay.), DVDs and Toys (Unbroken toys, Sets with no missing parts, CLEAN Stuffed animals, etc. Free giveaway toys or similar toys will not be acceptable.). Thank you!
Items left unsold will be assessed by a recycling shop so that they will not be wasted.
◆ (Reminder) Bake Sale Ingredients Donation (再)ベイクセール材料の寄付のお願い
We would like to collect ingredients for the bake sale for International Festival and would welcome donations of confectionery ingredients such as flour, raisins, and nuts that are still within their expiration date. If you have any spare in your store cupboard, please let us know.
◆ (Reminder) Photos request for ”Determined Toddlers Photo Exhibition” – Deadline Approaching!
(再)フェスティバルでの写真展のためのイヤイヤ期の写真募集中 -締め切り間近!
Deadline / 応募締切: Friday, March 31, 2023
➡︎ Click here for Photo Request/ 写真募集について
That’s all for now. Thank you for taking time to read till the end!
From the Wolfpack Team